Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I am a teenager (13 yrs) and I want to lose weight on my stomach and thighs, What should I do? -

I want to lose weight fast but I am not sure what to do because some exercises should not be performed at my age, I mean I am not that fat but I do wanna lose some pounds quick.

As a teenager your weight fluctuates. You also have puppy fat in your early teens, which you will grow out of by 16/17.Deliberately loosing weight when you are not seriously overweight can damage your health (organs in particular) at your age.Eat healthily and exercise regularly.

completely give up on all foods that contain:high fat,alot of sodium,alot of calories and all of that other bad stuff, eat a big nutricious breakfast in the morning like fruits,high protien cereal , yogurt and healthy things, eat a medium size lunch with like ,veggies,salad,protien,chicken and things like that,and eat a small dinner. the reason for this is that the big breakfast you eat in the morning will burn off all through the day but if you eat a big dinner you dont really burn it off, and as for exercise you can do some light jogging,walking,cardio and maybe some muscle toning like crunches.as long as you eat healthy and exercise you should be fine.

Believe it or not, jogging and running are very good for those body parts. You will see results fairly quickly, depending on how much you exercise per week.An instructor recommended me not to do sit ups or other anaerobic exercises until I lost the excess of fat in those regions. You should aim to burn fat first, then build muscle.

How fat r you, like over wight and you have heath problems, your mom says your over wight and need to lose some??? if yes then you should run with a friend/mom or ask your doctor about some tips for healthy eating. if your not then wht the hell do you see in your self you are only 13 go swim or play a game with your friends there you go thats all you need to know ^^

okay that sounds fine, and shows that u want to be healthy. I wud suggest simple exercise schemes, like swimming or example,as that is really good for the thigh, Breast stroke - fantastic for thigh and stomach front crall - good stamina for in the poolback stroke - good for arms so if u want to feel fiter do that also if you want to eat better as well, why not either join weght watchers or slimming world they moerate ure meals in a good way. dont feel stupid or anything by going there because i know oads of people ure age who go and younger. Good luck .x

Do you see the box near the top of the page?The one labelled Search for questions: ?Well type in lose weight .You will find over 20,000 preexisting questions.Try the misspellings loose weight and there are another 5,500.In all there are over 60,000 Health section questions requesting solutions to being or thinking you might be overweight.On average these each yield 6 answers, that is over 360,000 answers.I can usefully summarise these answers in 4 words:EAT LESS DO MORE. Are you desperate enough to try this???

hunny!!! You gotta EXERCISE!!! that s one of the most important parts about loosing weight!! you also need to eat right, and diet! At least 1 hour per day of exercise is required!!I m 13 also. I m about 5 6I weigh about 110 lbs. everyone does and will have meat on their bones!!I m 29 inches around at my bellybutton27.5 around above my hips, and 29 around underneath breasts.I used to be like 36 inches around at my bellybutton!!! all you need to do is give yourself some confidence, eat right, and exercise!! Good Luck!

you should run at least 30minand do a couple of sit ups, crunches, squats, jumping jacks5-6 times a weekyou ll lose weight, then gain muscle so when the scale says you start going back up it s only because muscle weighs more then fatand make sure you eat right as well

here is one of the best ways that you Can Burn Stubborn Belly Fat, Boost Your Metabolism, Tone Your Muscles With Just 3 Short Workouts A Week Click on the site below to Viewhttp://tinyurl.com/mbz6co

You re only 13. Chances are that you will have a growth spurt soon and you will thin out. You do not need to lose weight at the age of 13 unless your weight is causing you health issues.

wait for puberty to kick-in

Cycle, swim, long walks - steer well clear of crisps, chips, Mars bars etc and junk food.........good luck

For my stomach i do sit-ups about 50 a night and in a week your stomach will be flat as a pancake.xxx

A Hoola Hoop!Great fun too!

Run, Run and when you are tired.. run some more!


3 Easy, But Highly Effective Weight Loss Tips!Tip #1 - Eat right and eat often.Most people eat one or two huge meals and eat like they are in a race to see who can finish first. First, you need to eat four or five smaller meals and slow down when eating them. The slower you eat, the more the food will be broken down and predigested in the mouth. This will give the food a better chance to be used, absorbed and not stored as fat in the body. You will also feel fuller by eating more times each day, so you will want to eat smaller meals and snack less.Tip #2 - Exercise.Okay, the dirty word...exercise. If you are to lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy, you have to do it. So with that said, it is time to make up your mind that you will begin to exercise and stick with it. Find an exercise that you like which will give you more of an incentive to keep doing it. Some types of exercise that can be fun are walking, jogging, biking, swimming, golfing, tennis, or going to the gym.You do not have to spend money on a gym membership or trainer if you do not have it, just start a walking routine. It works out great if you can find a partner or buddy to walk with, but if not go at it alone. Go to the corner of the block today and then half way around the block tomorrow. The next thing you know, you will be walking 2-3 miles everyday.Tip #3 - Drink water.Drinking too many soft drinks and sugary juices helped get you in this predicament, so cut them out and drink water. You may be saying, yuck...I get tired of plain old water. Water is the only thing you can eat or drink that has ZERO calories, no fat, no sugar and again no calories and better yet, you must have water to live. That is right. You will die without it, so why not drink it to live and lose weight to boot?It has a tendency to cleanse your system, curb your appetite by making you feel fuller and helps to digest your food. If you are not drinking at least eight glasses of water now, then add them to your daily routine. You will feel better, have nicer looking skin and lose weight.Also Pay Close Attention To This: