Saturday, August 26, 2017

Why does lots of water help you lose weight? -

why does lots water help you lose weight sometimes? and why is it that if you lose weight fast then you gain it back more easily?

When you drink alot of water your stomach feels full, therefore you wont eat as much and you wont feel thirsty so you will also avoid any calorie drinks.When you loose weight fast you gain it back because your metabolism was used to your old diet and when you go back to your habits you gain weight. If you are going to lose weight you should do it slowly or change your lifestyle.

Because water is so pure. It can help you clean your system out. And the losing weight fast = gaining it back generally applies to the get thin now diets. That s why it s always best to start a diet you can live with...i.e. doing simple workouts 3 times a week and sticking with it, along with a lower calorie diet and stuff like that.

No But Did you know most gym contracts are refundable? When we flock to the gym in droves in the new year -- with our determination to meet our fitness resolutions -- it s all too easy to sign on the dotted line without thinking it through. But keep in mind, while a few exceptions can allow you to cancel a gym membership contract -- e.g., you move more than 25 miles away or you re injured and your doctor says you can t work out -- the contract is a contract and your membership will have to be paid (or, more than likely, drafted from your bank account) whether you re using the facility or not.Like the song says, You better shop around, and compare contracts, special offers, and limitations at different gyms in your area as they can vary greatly. Be sure to inquire about student, teacher, or senior citizen discounts if you fall into one of those categories.Next, when you re presented with the contract, do not sign it on the spot. Resist high pressure sales techniques and stick to your guns -- don t sign anything until you ve had a chance to go home or another quiet location and go over it with a fine tooth comb, or, better still have someone else read over it in case they spot something you didn t.

it like cleans out your system and it makes you feel full. if you lose weight really fast, then you wont stick with it so youll gain it back. in order to lose weight to have to change your lifestyle. its not just starving yourself for a few weeks and then going back.

I read somewhere, and this made sense to me, that when your body is dehydrated it automatically starts storing more fat cells for energy, because it believes that it is in crisis. So if you drink more water and keep your body well hydrated, your body is less likely to store unnecessary fat, creating a slimmer you. Plus there are tons more benefits to drinking more water; better skin, cleaner liver and kidneys, less impurities being built up inside your body, and you feel better!!! I recently started adding more water into my diet. I add an extra glass of water that I have to drink about every two or three days. And I feel so much better already!!!

When you drink a lot of water it prevents you from eating more than you should.

Right^It helps to control your hunger by making you feel more full. A lot of times people mistake being thirst for being hungry and eat when they don t need food.Usually when you lose weight quickly, it s not real weight you are losing, it is water weight, which comes back as soon as you drink a bottle of water. Sucks, huh?