Monday, September 25, 2017

How can i lose weight so i can be fit and not have kids not to make fun of me? -

how can i lose weight fast and i need a diet because all the diets i try don t work. i weight in the 200 almost 300 and i want to lose weight. i am only in the 7th grade going in 8th this year. what should i do?

There are so many factors that affect your weight it is hard to give you a good answer tailored to your individual needs. You need to start by visiting your family doctor who can give you some advice on your diet as far as the daily calorie intake, etc. You are in your growing years - diets for adults will not supply your nutritional needs necessarily. You are welcome to come by my blog. I have BMI charts, weight charts, etc at and at�� I have a downloadable speadsheet (works with google docs or Microsoft) which tells you approximately how many calories you burn with various activities. Also at Be the Weight You Want I have several posts which would give you some insite such as Food and Me, Partners in Everything and a series called MAGIC HELP with tips for each letter.

First, take your weight in pounds, add a zero to the end and that s how many calories you should eat everyday to lose weight. (example: 250 pounds = 2,500 calories per day) You will have to adjust your caloric intake as you lose weight.Then, plan your meals off of the basic food is a great website!Water is also very important!Take your weight in pounds and that s how much water you should drink in oz. everyday. (example: 250 pounds = 250 oz.)1 cup is approx. 8 oz.Daily physical activity is not required but if you want to boost your weight loss and tone up then you should be physically active 30-60 minutes per day.Remember this is a gradual proses, it doesn t happen over night.Hope I helped!~Ruthann

Don t let those kids bother you.I went through the same thing last year. And this summer I was like I m gonna show them all And you know what I did.And you can too!Just keep up a healthy diet not one of those, im gonna only drink water diets, include you re protien, meats, dairy, fruits, vegetables, grains, and so fourth.Have 5-6 small meals per a day, and do alot of cardio, maybe take up a sport, or join a school team this year.Best of luck, And staying active is key!- JT .

please get to an endocrinologist and have test run to see what is wrong. I was that large when I was 13....turns out I have(had) a deadly brain tumor.NOTE:THIS IS NOT TO SAY YOU HAVE A DEADLY BRAIN TUMOR YOURSELF, but, why not check.Are you eating too much, are you active at all during the day?Sometimes, you have to take a look at what you are doing, and what you can change to feel better.And if ANYONE says that LapBand, or stomach stapling is allright? RUN THE OTHER WAY.People die because of it, it is a serious surgery with serious side effects.And, as for people makeing fun of you? I learned to fight for myself, and stand up for myself, don t let them torment you, FIGHT BACK. Be strong, beause they only want to hurt you, and you don t have to put up with it.Me? I ve survived 43 (yes 43, I m not lying) brain surgeries, being in a coma for several months, and having many,many surgeries that the doctors said I d never survive.But I was strong, and I did.

1) no more fast food and eat lean meats...i.e. chicken, tuna2) drink ONLY soda, juices, energy drinks, etc3) get active whether its just a small walk around the block or chores around the house....bottom line is get off the couchfor every 3500 calories you burn, you lose one pound. so just watch your calories...should be taking in about 2000 calories and it sounds like youre taking in a lot more. just do about 1500 cals a day and the weight will start coming off

It would be a great idea to join a team sport and exercise. If team sports are not your thing then long walks or jogging is good. Remember to eat healthy.

If you can join something like Weight Watchers and attend weekly meetings, that would be the most beneficial because there s a built-in support group. Otherwise, check out the site below. You ll find some really helpful information, such as Eat Healthy and Weight Loss 4 Teens. I lost 85 pounds five years ago, so I can tell you from experience that you can t look at the big picture. That is too overwhelming. Lose your weight in 5-pound increments, never looking beyond the next five pounds. It will take you about a year to reach your goal, but that s okay. That year is going to pass by no matter what you do. The only question is will you still be unhappy with your weight when the year is passed, or will you have done something about your weight issue? When I lost weight, I had to lose 30 pounds for anyone to notice (that didn t know I was dieting) that I was losing, so be patient and reward yourself along the way, but not with food. Get a manicure or pedicure or pair of earrings when you reach each 10 pounds. Keeping a food log or weight loss journal will really help you. You can print out a free one on the site below. Research shows that people who track their food lose twice as much weight and stay on their diets longer than those who don t track. Start exercising, even if it s just walking and even if it s just 15 minutes a day, at first. Exercising will not only help you lose weight faster, but it will help ensure that you don t have loose skin hanging around once you reach your goal. One of the biggest things to help you with weight loss is to give up all sodas and sweet drinks. Learn to love water. Save the other drinks for special occasions. Good luck! (and keep us informed!)