Monday, December 18, 2017

I need help with dieting and excercise.? -

I have been going to the gym and doing weight lifting and well i guess trying to run. I hate running i feel like i am going to pass out. I want to lose weight quickly and healthy. I am going to go on a low carb diet but I wanted to know about my workout. My trainer friend is getting me and my mother to do weights and then run. I HATE running. I was told that it helps you lose weight faster, but then I was told it is bad for your knees and that it bulids muscle. I walk on the treadmill for 20 min. (which will increase) I go at a 3.5 pace. would I lose weight that way. Throwing in about 10 min of the eliptical to? when I cant go to the gym I try and walk at a fast pace around my neiborhood. What should I do? I also wanted to ask about food. Iwas told to stay away from all white foods. (pasta, potatoes. etc.) I was wondering with pasta I love pasta. Would it be more better to each whole wheat pasta? I cant give up pasta.ha.thanks!

Running will burn calories quicker than walking will, but it s okay to just walk at a fast past. You can even up the Incline on the treadmill so it will make it more challenging.You don t have to give up pasta! Just switch to whole wheat. At first it won t taste as good but you ll get used to it very fast. The trick isn t cutting out carbs, it s replacing the good carbs with the bad ones.White pasta and white bread have bad carbs while whole wheat versions are much better for you. You have to realize you don t have to starve yourself, you just have to eat foods that are nutritious and good for your body!

The biggest reason you ve been advised to avoid white food is that it causes the cravings that make it so hard to lose weight. If you re concerned about not having pasta, use one of the low-glycemic pastas now made, such as s an excellent pasta that is mostly made up of carbs your body can t absorb. The running isn t necessary, and in fact if it s making you feel sick the chances are it s too hard of a workout for you and you re likely forcingy your body into stavation mode by doing it. Any cardio (anything that gets your heart moving) will help you lose weight...and remember, if you re having a hard time keeping up a conversation you re working yourself too hard. Walking is a wonderful way to lose weight. Also, keep in mind that building some muscle is a good thing. While it may mean you don t lose as much weight, you will lose as much inches and you ll be able to eat more without gaining weight. You see, while fat just sits there, muscle actually burns calories while it is just sitting there. So good deal, right?I know it s hard to not be impatient when you re trying to lose weight but keep in mind that you want this to be a lifestyle change and not just a few weeks to get rid of years of wrong living. You need to keep these changes permanently for the results to be permanent results.

It is a possibility to lose weight fast but you should be realistic and comprehend that if you lose weight rapidly then you will without doubt put it all back on again just as rapidly. The sole diet which really showed results for me is green tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a handful of free trials left, it was reported in Fox News and CNN. I lost thrity pounds, it really does produce success!

The key to losing weight is to strength train (lift weights). If you don t enjoy running for long periods try interval training. You can pick any cardio machine at the gym, go as fast as you can for 1 minute (cycling, running, etc) then rest for 2 minutes, keep doing this for a total of 20 minutes. Other alternatives are skipping or burpies. I agree with your trainer regarding eliminating white foods as generally speaking they aren t that good for you. However, if you eat healthy 90% of the time (eating lean meat, vegetables and fruit) and splurge 10% (whatever you want) you are more likely to stick to this plan then never allowing certain foods such as pasta. Obviously whole wheat pasta is a better choice than regular for fibre but if it s going to be part of your 10% then have the white! Good luck.