Tuesday, December 26, 2017

I swim every day for 60-90 minutes. Is that too much as a part of my weight loss program? -

I��m 23 and I weight 80 kilos and I��m165 cm tall. For the past two months, I��ve been swimming 7 days a week for an hour to 90 minutes, and also I��ve been working out with my personal trainer for an hour, 4 times a week. And I��ve been on a 1200 to 1400 calorie diet. I��m hoping to loose 50 pounds. I��m wondering if I��m doing too much exercise. Do I swim too much? I don t want to end up with big arms. what do you recommend?

I think it is wonderful that you are working towards a healthy life! I m around your age also and I just think it is so important to be healthy now, then fright when we are older and we don t have the capacity anymore to work hard at getting healthy. I used to exercise 2 hours a day and take in around 1500-2000 calories a day. I would suggest that you take in some more protein during this time - you are a little under what I call healthy calorie intake for a highly active lifestyle. Your calorie count would be find for someone that doesn t do exercise however I would say your body isn t goign to lose as much weight if you don t eat a little more. You have to eat more when you are exercise and training - so that you can lose more. It is strange to say that however studies show that it is true. You have to have energy to use the energy. (If that makes sense.) My rule of thumb is, if I feel good and don t feel tired, then I am fine.I have attached some links that might help you find the appropriate amount of exercise and food intake for your body type. Good Luck with the training and losing weight!

Isn t that a question for your personal trainer ?I would think with everything you are doing, the swimming is an aerobic activity, equivalent to running, which burns close to or just about, the same number of calories as swimming.

It is a matter of what you are comfortable with. It is certainly an excellent way to burn calories, and as long as you can stand doing it, I d say keep it up.

Depends on the intensity of your swimming. If it is recreational swimming, then it s not really doing much good for your weight loss program. If you are swimming in training (aerobic) mode, then it s very beneficial to your weight loss program. HOwever, I suggest you take one day off per week and just concentrate on stretching and range of motion exercises. This gives your body a rest and lets your muscles heal also.About your diet and the intensity of your swimming. I think you should be eating 4-6 times a day to prevent weakness during swimming. Exclude these foods from your diet and replace them with healthier foods:No alcoholno breadno burgersNo candyNo chipsno cornno fried foodsNo pastaNo pizzaNo potatoesNo sodasNo sugarGood Luck

swimming is a wonderful form of exerciseit doesn t give you big armsIt creates lean, sinewy, arms with broader shouldersswimmers have very attractive body formsCongrats on the dedication to get healthier

No, but you might want to up your calories a little bit...complex carbs will help fuel your workout regimen, digest easily and won t put more weight on you.

Hi, how are you doing!If your concerned about losing weight try reading the following article!Eat What You Like and Lose Weight. Really!http://boeafitness.com/index.php?option=com_content task=view id=38 Itemid=27