Saturday, January 28, 2017

How do you lose weight fast? -

I am 5 3 and weigh 195. I need to lose weight and fast. my health is starting to go down hill and i need help. Should I try weight loss pills first to get rid of the weight and then start to exercise. exercise alone won t take it off fast enough. any suggestions?

A good diet and exercise. If you take it off too quick you will just gain it back. Keeping the weight off is a life style change and doesn t happen over night.Coach

if people would exercise more they would not have to worry so darn much about food...Are you really serious about doing this? We are talking about hard work. Putting down your little debbies, getting off your butt and not only going on a diet but EXERCISING!!! Even if you lose the weight it will come right back if you do not have the desire and motivation to not only look cute but to be healthy. it is going to take alot of inner strength I can assure you of that. 1.) eat 4-5 small meals a day2.) drink lots of water3.)exercise every day4.) do not eat 4-6 hours before you sleep.

Cut Calories, Eat Healthy, Exercise. At there is a free weight loss guide that will help you lose weight. They tell you home many calories you should be eating for effective and healthy weight loss. They let you track your calories and exercise, post on message boards, and more. I know I should like a commercial for them but the website has seriously helped me and best of all it is free. There is really no way to lose weight fast unless you get surgery or something.

You can start off by changing your diet dramatically. Cut out most fats and sweets and eat meals which are high in protein and low in fats. Carbohydrates aren t that bad, but just make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet. Once you get your diet settled, start exercising! The sooner the better, and you will see the pounds drop right off of you once you start eating right exercising. For exercise, try a variety of things. Swimming, biking, running, etc.

plastic surgery. or weightloss pills

I am 5 3 and weighed 205, but lost 67 pounds in four months. How? EATING HEALTHY AND EXERCISING. There is no magic silver bullet. Pills don t work. Just clean out your cabinets and fridge of bad food and buy fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken and fish. I personally ate shrimp and salmon quite a bit as main dishes. Exercise at LEAST 60 minutes a day. It sounds like a lot but: 1. if it is worth it to you, you will find a way to do it, and 2. you can break the time up and do 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. Also - drink TONS of water. You will lose a lot right away doing that. It definitely works. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU! I know your struggle, and you CAN do this! :o)

Proteins in the morning, never skip breakfast. Salads through the rest of the day. Cardiovascular exercise in the middle of the afternoon but never more than one hour. Drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water throughout the day but not more than that and nothing with sugar or carbohydrates if it is not breakfast. Try it for two months and see how much weight you loose.

cut down on the calorie intake. especially salt and sugar. you will see the change real quick. or try to eat just one meal a day and eat salad with no dressing when you get hungry.

Heart attack and triple bypass should do the trick. Its a scary enough thought to curve your eating habits as well as getting you to do some exercise. Fast weight loss isn��t the way to go, it can bring on added health issues apart of the ones you are trying to solve, a slow reduction is the safest way to go as well as the longer lasting effects. You can try Atkins or similar low carb diet, it is as good as you can get for the fastest weight loss without TOO much damage to your health. Hope you achive your goal.

Don t eat!