Sunday, January 14, 2018

How do i lose weight fast without starving myself? -

help please??

Change your diet to healthy foods like grilled chicken, fish, lots of leafy things. you can look up healthy meal ideas on the internet but whatever you do, don t go to a fast food restaurants ever again. Stop drinking cokes or sugary stuff, stick to water and milk. EAT BREAKFAST, it really has been proven that people who eat breakfast weigh less. Also, find time to exercise daily, 30 to 45 minutes of fast paced walking at least. Try to get that heart rate up. There s no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to losing weight but try these things out and you ll see results in as little as 3 to 4 weeks.

Eat green vegetables 6-8 meals all day with a lite dressing. Limit yourself to 2 servings of carbs (potatoes) and 3 servings of protein(chicken/fish) spaced out during your meals. Drink water all day 8-10 glasses. You will feel like crap for a day or two, stick with it for a week then switch to a small portion control/calories diet. The first week will kick start you metabolism. You will be so sick of eating. Also do 45-60 minutes of very low cardio.

run 10 miles a day and eat 1200 calories.

If anyone had a definitive answer for that, they would be both very famous and very short...there is no good way.

Here are 9 tips that can help you lose 15 pounds in 30 days: Eat regularly: skipping meals will slow down your metabolism. Try to eat a small meal or a snack every 3-5 hours. Keep a journal: sometimes we eat more than we think we do. Keeping a journal will help you identify and correct your mistakes. Avoid temptations: if you surround yourself with junk food or fattening food, it will be almost impossible to lose weight. Just get rid of it! Stop eating after 7 PM: this advice is kind of controversial, but it works! It probably has to do with the fact that the metabolism doesn t burn calories very effectively at night. Consume foods that are high in fiber: eating fiber promotes the proper digestion of food and makes your body store less fat. Include fruits, vegetables and beans in your diet. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day: by drinking a lot of water you will keep your body hydrated and help it flush out toxins. Consume lean protein: fish, seafood, chicken, turkey and eggs will give you energy and help you maintain muscle mass. Do short and intense workouts to speed up the fat burning process. Choose the right foods: consuming more fruits,vegetables and healthy fats like olive oil and cutting down on alcohol, fried food and processed sugar, will accelerate your weight loss and help you become healthier.