Saturday, January 27, 2018

How to lose weight in the stomach area?!? -

I am a normal weight and am not fat , but i do need to firm up in the stomach area and i would like to trim down my hips. ( i wear a size 6/7)I am 15, 5 5 and weigh 126 lbs. I am not as concerned with the number on the scale as much as how i look in the mirror.I also take a spinning class once a week and row (crew team) on the weekendsI am trying to start getting in shape but its very hard for me as i really like junk food and its hard to keep going to classes and whatnot.what else should i do so that i can wear a bathing suit and feel good about it/ wear a smaller pant size????

Before I can tell you the answer, I need you to try an experiment for me.Stand sideways in front of a full length mirror. Now stretch your arms straight up above your head, reaching your fingers to the ceiling.If your stomach disappears when you do that, you have no fat on your stomach - it s just flabby muscles. If that s the case, losing weight won t make any difference - the only thing that will help is abdominal exercises.If your stomach doesn t change when you reach up, then your belly muscles are already in good shape and exercising them won t change things - you need to lose a bit of weight.If you have been rowing for a long time and have good technique, I suspect your ab muscles are already pretty tight as rowing is good exercise for tightening the stomach.

your body posture can reduce your stomach by keeping it firm. When you sit on the sofa don t slouch but sit straight up to get these stomach muscles uniform and hold your stomach in with some reflux exercise. Also, do crunches, sit up or anything that has to keep the stomach straight all the time. Even standing against a wall for 10 minutes can get that stomach firmed down. Check out books or videos for it.

Lots of cardio: I recommend swimming. Drink lots of water. Everytime you eat that junk food, your hurting your body and stressing out your system. Substitue the junk food for fruits and veggies and throw out all the junk food, so you won t be tempted. If you keep craving it, have a piece of dark chocolate everyday which isn t so bad for you.

Stomach crunches are great!!!! Daily walking is great too, activity is wonderful and you can breath the air, loose weight and enjoy wearing the new pants/and swim suits. Motivate yourself by feeling good when you walk and exercise. Stomach crunches are wonderful. Daily exercise will last longer than anything else. Do not be real worried at 15, that is young but if you are downing candybars or hamburgers daily well that has to stop!@!!!!!

i totally know where you re coming from because i have the same issue, i love junkfood but i want to get in shape, my advice to you is that you should get a friend involved to exercise with you, it makes it a lot more fun and at the same time you get to spend time with your friends, make it a challenge between you and your friend; who can do more sit-ups, etc. you ll be more committed!

Targetted weight reduction is quite difficult, some peeple would say impossible, however the only diet that clearly delivered for me is wu-yi tea, it can be checked out in the resource box underneath, they have a handful of free trials remaining, it has been featured in Fox News and CNN. I worked off 25 pounds, it clearly does produce success!

Well, junk food is the number one reason for gaining weight. lol Eating junk food is bad for you; however, if you eat it in portion it is fine. Also, you can not loose weight just focusing on one spot. It doesn t work that way. I wish it would though. lol Good Luck. :)

first, get rid of all the junk food in your house. if it s not there, you can t eat it, right? the next time your parents to go the store, go with them. get a lot of fruit, vegetables, and natural foods. try not to eat anything processed. and don t eat fast food or drink soda.good luck :]

Go for a jog around the park.Return the favor?;��

you cant spot remove fat;��answer

crunches, side bends, leg lifts, and make sure you are getting enough protein or your muscles will not develop in this area and you will not tone.

Crunches. Join a sport. Something like swimming, that works all of your muscles. You gain muscle and lose fat.

don t eat as many cakes!!haha just kidding...try taking a card class, or running once a day. Also, you should try doing core work

spot reduction doesnt exist (you can t make a certain point on your body loose weight) its overall

Some people naturally put on extra tummy fat. Try cutting out the carbs and eat more veggies and protien and it should help with that.

the easiest way is a heavy cardio with healthy eating and some ab excersices

dont do sit ups do arobic exercise it is when you run and use your mustle for 25 minutes stright.

Do sit ups.

do 10 sit ups a day and your stomach will go down

I agree with lalala

sit ups :-D

sit ups. I know it sucks doing them but it s the best way

hi ,for you abs to start to show you need to cut your calories intake per like if you just eat only 3 main meals eat more 3 snacks in between so when come the time of the main meals your stomach will be full and not eat much and the snacks must be fibre food like carrots and cucumber or an apple this will make the difference of calories intake per day and by doing that you will eat less calories per day and lose weight more quickly and your workout is so little per week you need to do more like jumping a rope or dancing or you can just do spinning class three times a week is better and will burn all the fat around your waist and belly and will get your thighs firmed and defined best of luck and enjoy your life