Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Will this combination help me to lose weight? -

If I combine the 6 week body makeover, lipovox, and wu-yi, would that help me lose weight fast? Thanx.....and please, no smart comments.

Wow! Thats several different things all at once! I have no idea.What I did is read The Weight Loss Cure, by Kevin Trudeau and follow the diet plan. I know a lot of people have bad things to say about it, but my husband and I have both been doing it for 3 weeks and so far have lost 19.8 lbs (me) and 20.2 lbs (him) without exercise. We both feel great and its really easy. People who do this diet average 80%ish of them keeping the weight off for several years. I know people who tried this diet (marketed diff of course) in the 70s and haven t gained the weight back!I encourage you to read his book and see what you think!!

I have done this for a long time, and I can tell you that basic exercise beats anything else hands down. Meaning, just run 5 days a week for about 30 minutes to an hour (work up to it as needed), and you will be shocked at the results...