Sunday, April 15, 2018

How can i lose weight fast? -

ok first off i want to know if im over weight i m 15,6 1, and 147 pounds.and im trying to lose some fat that s where my lower stomach is in the front and its really annoying because i want abs by the summer. so any ideas on how to lose weight easily and a healthy diet

jr, I have been trying to lose weight for about 6 months now and have tried almost every single weight loss pill thats out there... 99% of them don t work, I say 99% because I recently tried one that is starting to show some real results, acai berry pills..? so far I have been taking them for 2 months and I have lost 22lbs! YEAH ME.. 28lbs to go, but anyways I got them for free from this website, they may still be doing it.. not sure but check it out. this helps,

lose fat with a healthy low carb diet and exercize. do cardio intervals and strength training

In my opinion you are not over weight, you are actually under weight for your height (6 1) But if you want to get solid abs, do sit-ups and crunches everyday or every other day for 30 minutes to an hour. As far as having a healthy diet, you could start by stop drinking soda and eating junk food. Drink water and natural fruit juice. And instead of eating candy, chocolate, or potatoes chips. Eat fruit and vegetables for snacks.Also cut down on fried foods, try baking and boiling your food instead. Good Luck!

well ideal way would be join a high intense cardio and weight training.if you dont have a bodyweight exercises.push ups.lungess,squats,burpees.mountain climbers.visit for free information on fatloss

Go to the gym, focus on doing stomach exercises =] follow a healthy food programme =] can find plenty online.