Monday, May 21, 2018

How to lose weight a better way...? -

I m 19 years old, 6 Foot 1 inchs tall and I weigh probally near 260lbs (I m a stockey guy to, a lot of the males in my family are pretty big guys). A few months agow I weighed 270 and I lost 20lbs in a month, it wasn t a very healthy diet, I was hungry a lot of the time. After I got down to 250lbs I started to stop starving myself and started to eat a lot again. I don t even want to weigh my self right now cuz im so pissed that i gave up so easy. Is the weather a factor because winter is starting to end and I know people eat more in the winter because it s just a natural thing.... will i have better luck in the summer/spring? any ideas to stop me eating not healthy food? i have a full time job and im full time in college so im pretty busy.... i dont have anytime to work out much...My ideal weight for my height and body build is around 210-220.

to lose weight u need to eat right and have a workout plan 5-6 days a week.u have to want it.***try this u need to change ur six times a day. ea of ur 3 main meals needs to combine a lean protein such as chicken breast ground turkey turkey bacon egg whts also combine that with a complex carb such as a baked potato or sweet potato wild rice brown rice oatmeal or girts. also add fresh fruit and vegies to lunch and dinner. pick fruits low in sugar like pears and berries. if u get canned vegies get ones with low sodium. eat every 3-4 hrs keep ur metablism moving.***also the most important part is WATER drink at least 64oz. no soda or juice. water will curve ur cravings.u need to hit cardio 3-4 times a week running outside it great workout if u can hit a gym and cardio machine is great at least 30mins***also add weight/strength training 3 times a week.u can google free weight traning guides anywhere. its not hard to find things for free. also for those wanting sexy hot abs. a nice toned stomach comes from a body with low body fat. so if ur overweight and u do a million crunches or any ab workout you r wasting your time!!! cant see the muscles under fat. low body fat equals=a nice flat toned stomach.***plan ur meals ahead of time.always have a healthy snack with u so u wont be tempted to eat fast food. also if u wait to late to eat u will get so hungry u will eat the world. make time to work out start out with 30 mins then increase.its ur body treat it right. ur diet alone can help lose weight but working out makes ur body look good. shows muscles and tight skin which is sexy and beautful. stick with it ur body will amaze u!!! to be healthy and look great u need both in ur life. good luck email me if u have further questions

Check out this website - It s totally different than a normal diet. Try it - there has been alot of peope who have lost weight this way.

the only way to acualy lose weight is to eat less calories and burn the ones u have a tipical person consumes about 35000 calories any more and each additional 30,000 turns into a pound of fat so simple eat healthy and excersize regularly and that is the best way to loose weight...crash diets dont work the low carb high protean. when you starve your body of the esentual carbs and nutrence your cells need then the cells start eating your musles and that is bad because your musle cells burn caleries and will help you loose eat less calories and exercise is the only way to goSource(s):biology student studing in vet school

Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per dayFruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count lowDo not Skip MealsEating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day.Go for wholesome fresh foodsIf possible, purchase fresh foods and avoid package (processed) and convenient foods such as fast food. Packaged and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat contentExercise, periodMost authorities recommend 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories.