Sunday, June 10, 2018

What food should i cut out to lose weight FAST!? -

what types of food should i avoid to lose weight?be specific please

eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet as they contain high amounts of sugar which feed your pre-exisitng fat deposits. avoid white breads and white rice. increase your complex carb intake by eating whole grain/wheat products, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc. you can find extensive lists of delicious foods containing complex carbs just by googling.sodas of any kind should definitely go. as should any other beverages other than water. gatorade is notoriously high in sugar as are most energy drinks.fried foods and fast foods must go. if you re a dark meat kind of guy when it comes to poultry, try cutting down on it and increasing your white meat consumption as there is significantly less fat.increase your protein and fiber intake. your body naturally burns calories when absorbing whey proteins, so consider drinking a shake or two a day as a snack or as a fix for your sweet tooth incase you have one.

Number one rule of weight loss, do not drink your calories. Cut out any and all sugary drinks. Stay away from cream based sauces and butter. Write down everything you eat and the calories in the food, you can find a great database on the internet at, it s free and very helpful. Most important is to stay away from the simple sugars and white flours. Good luck!!

well start with no junk food, candy chips, soda, ice cream ya know, things high in sugar. lower your calorie intake, sodium salt intake, and carbohydrates intake. look up how many calories you should have in a day to loose weight follow that rule. don t forget to exercise have fun doing it good luck :)

Two words...balanced and diet. You wanna lose weight...burn more calories than you eat.You wanna lose weight FAST...burn lots more calories than you eat. Alcohol, junk food and anything with a ton of carbs or fat would be things to avoid.

starchy foods, high in potatoes rice, and lots of meats and green vegtables, drink water or greeen tea, stay away from sodas and sugars . and totally excersise

Drink only water, eat only fresh or frozen fruit vegetables (more veggies than fruits for sure) and fish or chicken.

fried food...junk food... candy,chips,soda,burgers lots of veg...fruit ...excercise.Good Luck..