Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Im 59quot; 200 do i lose weight? -

I almost feel like eating is coming from boredness, or it s more of a habit. I am 19 years old and eat fast food all the time because it s convenient. I never drink water, which is probably very unhealthy. I need tips on how to lose weight quick, and pretty much a diet plan if anyone has one. Please help :)

it kind of sounds like u know what u need to do. start drinking more water. fill a nalgene water bottle up and try to drink 2-3 a day. it will increase weight loss. and fast food. once you cut that out you should really be able to tell a difference in the way you feel an look. its filled with so many unnatural processed junk. if you really have to get fast food because ur in a hurry get a salad, or a 6 inch subway is a good option. just start looking for fresh alive foods. not greasy processed food. i feel that if i prepare my meals i appreciate and enjoy it more. its also time not spent eating cuz ur board. try searching for a healthy recipe online sometime, nothing too hard or time consuming, and make it. if you have bad snacking habits a yummy one is peanut butter (natural brand like adams, not skippy) and apples or celery. even if you change what you eat and not necessarily how much (but that would be good too) you would probs we able to tell a difference. it also wouldn t hurt to get some exercise . even walking is good if ur not doing anything already. when i work out i feel good about myself afterwards for doing it and then i eat healthier cuz i dont want to undo all the good i did working out. remember the faster you lose the weight the faster you can gain it back. so dont go on some crazy starvation diet to lose pounds super quick. you just need to change ur eating habits and stick with it and you will see results! good luck to ya! dont give up!


dude that is the already know why you are big. fast food is the worst, and refined sugar as well. they are extremly dense in calories you will be amazied how much excess calories you can consume eating fast food. Really any diet will work for you to start off but it takes alot of reading and you logging on a note book what you eat and when.. its work but the results are worth it.I presonally do The Anobolic Solution for Bodybuilders its a High fat medium protien LOW carb diet and it has help me shed the last 20 pds at a great rate... also weight loss should not be your goal..its FATLOSS.. usually 1-2.5 a week is a good amount to lose. i suggest you read some diet books and see wutch on u would like to try

mountain to climb, huge problem for you man, I hear with you man !!! Its not the diet program or exersice, first you need is deeply support from your love one, i mean all the comitment you want to do is useless if you dont have the support.Iam your biggest, no 1 hearing from you man, its not easy. you must happy doing all the program to lose your weight, its all in the heart you find the answer !!