Saturday, August 25, 2018

How to lose weight in 30 days? -

Do a cleansing diet for 3-5 days, than after that eat well balance meals 2-3 times a day. Exercise, drink enough water, and go to sleep before 10 PM at night, (this is very important, yet often neglected by many people).Take care! :)

Cut a leg

Try Jane Fonda s aerobics videos. oats. Hv oats three times a day. Mix boiled oats with milk fr b fast. With lots of dal fr lunch and anything fr dinner. Avoid junk food completely. Play some outdoor game daily fr an hour. I lost 7 kgs in 30 days by foll the above.

go 2 the gym alot, drink slim fast, eat diet food

It depends how much you want to lose weight. If you want to lose about 2-4 kgs in a month then you can do that. If you want to lose more Thant 10 then it is impossible in the healthy way. the problem with you is you are not getting proper nutrition. we have excess of calories,fat,pesticides, alcohol, tobacco,chemical and deficiency of protein,vitamins and minerals, herbs, fiber. This imbalance leads to unwanted weight and unhealthiness. You have unhealthy cells which grow bigger first we need to repair those cells make sure it will become healthy. If you want more information please contact me at or log on

very short method, adjust your weight machine, very useful way= consult your doctor

run daily for atleast 5kms.. ths s a simple way to lose weight but the only thin is u hav to do daily.

Get a gym membership and sign up for classes that spark your interest. eg, yoga, speed class, aerobics... All classes offered will be able to help.Challenge yourself. Focus on eating things that are healthy, limit your trans fat intake, it s what gets stored in fat pockets in your body. Take a picture of yourself in a swim suit once a week to focus on your body improvements. Pick one body part to focus on and inquire at your gym as to how to focus on that part. If all else fails, get a buddy to lose weight with you, everything is easier in pairs.

Want to know how to reduce weight fast and lose that weight forever? Without affecting your health. Read some Experts selected Articals for useful information.Checkout this link

Sorry but I know only how to reduce weight in 45days.

To lose wait in 30 days is to eat smaller portions of food. Exercise every single day. For about 1 hour a day. Eat more vegetables and fresh fruit.

walk 8 k.m.daily and consume only two chapati and vegetable two not consume tea or any drinks.daily cycling 12 k.m.i think its not only help but definitely loss Ur weight in only 20 days

The best thing is to reduce fats or to increase the time spending in jogging or going to gym

here is a package, see for details, all natural way,

Eat right, don t eat sugar, and pop,drink a lot of water and exercise.

watch your calorie intake and fat intake..when your dieting food and excercise are one of the most important things to consider. i would recommend eating smaller portions a few more times a day then reg. and make sure you watch the foods you eat. low in fat from calories and low in fat thats very important. you can also you help from things like ripped fuel or other diet supplements but probably should see if you can take anything like that first.

Let me start by saying...Drink lots of water. You should be drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day. If you drink a glass of water before you eat, it will make you less likely to over eat and fill you up quicker. Make sure you still are drinking 1-2 glasses of milk a day as well. Dairy is an 3.important factor when loosing way. Try to eat 3-5 servings of veggies a day (preferably the green ones) and appx 2 servings of fruit. A small apple banana are great choices. Always eat a reasonable breakfast= 1c. bran cereal w/ skim milk, banana ( I like to eat mine cut up in my cereal) the bran cereal has lots of fiber which is an important factor when trying to loose weight and stay regular. The fiber will fill you up fast and keep you full longer. Try to do atleast 30 minutes of exercise everyday or atleast 3 times a week that gets your heart pumping fast. Brisk walking, jogging, running, elliptical workout, cardio tape, swimming laps. Do not eat after 7:00pm. If you have a hard time staying focused, try a weight watchers meeting, they are free to attend until you decide to join. Good luck!