Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tips on how to lose weight? -

Ok, im a 15 year old male, tall, and a big build, but over the years ive gained a hell of a lot of weight, when i was 13 i was 60-70 and now 15 i am over 100. I look in the mirror each day and hate the way i look, and want to get some of them crazy abs that everyone loves haha, so i decided to do a lot of situps, and i wasnt seeign any results, and i heard that i may have abs underneath but i have to rid this fat thats in the way, so i started doing alot of star jumps, running and the situps. Ive been doing this for a month now and there have een no results...what am i doing wrong

Yeah, you can t spot reduce fat with sit-ups to show your abs. Having a good core(abs and lower back) though helps prevent a lot of injuries.The best way to lose weight is usually a combination of things. Cardiovascular exercises, weight workouts, and a decent nutrition program. You only really mention working on one of those though sit-up s can be considered a type of weights I guess.One of the most basic tips isn t to reduce what you eat a lot or go on some diet that rarely works for long. It s to eat smaller meals over the day since your body only wants a certain amount of calories at any one time. The rest it tries to store for later usage. Start with a decent breakfast and split your lunch at school into two smaller meals if possible. Try to come to supper only moderately hungry and have 2-3 baby carrots or similar healthy snack ready for 9pm or so.

1. eat less2. move your body more

Morigu is right, you can t spot reduce fat with sit-ups to show your abs. Having a good core [...] though helps prevent a lot of injuries. Personally I have to say that pilates gives the best results.See my first source for a good staring point for loosing weight. Mainly you have to change what you eat permanently.I tried the Hacker s Diet, which basically has you eat less calories, last year and lost 8kg (17 pounds) in 38 days, with visible fat loss around the waist and neck. Although I did not count any calories, I just skipped lunch and avoided obvious stuff like junk food and greasy pizzas etc. I m not sure my diet was particularly balanced, but I did not feel weak at least. There however the problem of dealing with feeling hungry a lot of the time, at least in the beginning.Then I stopped and have now put almost all of it on again.I cannot find the source now, but apparently physical excercise, be it cardio or strength, has little or nothing to contribute to weight loss. However you should still do plently of excercise for all it s other benfits: you feel better, stronger and avoid a lot of health problems of old age.I would say you need to keep researching and experimenting until you find something that works for you in the long run, i.e. for the rest of your life.

Decrease 1. Sleeping time.2. Eating.Increase1. Exercise jogging,swimming,tennis and ...2. Working harder.3. Everything that burn your energy.

Dude y are u trying to be puny.. ur normal in weight.. if ur so self conscious then stop eating so much