Saturday, September 15, 2018

How can i lose weight fast?? want to lose about 1/2 a stone but finding it hard!!? -

u should try the lipotrim diet, ask your chemist about! i lost a stone in a week and 3 stone in a month! its tough but well worth it. . .best of luck. . .

go and take a run Report Abuse

You are finding it hard, because you want to lose it fast, remember that slowly and steady wins the race!You know all you have to do is eat healthy, not too big portions, cut out alcohol/sweets/choc/cakes etc, fill up on fruit and veg, lean meats and fish, have wholemeal carbs instead of white rubbish, and away you go.They say to aim to lose 1-2lbs a week, and thats a good steady weightloss.Also, exercise for at least 30 mins a day, walk, jog, run, swim, anything that you like doing, like dancing, cycling etc.Good luck!

Hi Becky Theres no really fast way to lose weight but .. you can lose your 7pounds in one week if you look at what your eating, change fries burgers etc for fruits pastas etc also drinking plenty of water will help ,They do say you can lose up to 10 pounds your first week this is due to the fluid loss .Eating a healthy breakfast is one major point in dieting dont go without that meal it is the most important meal of the day .Good luck i hope you do it .if you need any more advice please get in touch....w.w

shed ur head

Try This Site To Lose Weight Free, Quick and Easy:http://www.weightloss.surfingarena.comHope This Info HelpsCheers,,

you should try the lighter life food sachets, you can buy them on ebay you have to drink loads of water no tea or coffee no food at all to touch your lips just the lighter life shakes and soups think you can have 3 a day. if you can do that for 1 - 2 weeks you should lose the weight fast. A friend of mine did it last year for 6 months and lost 6 stone

Drink lots of water and grilled chicken breasts. Thats it. Its highly effective