Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Am I Fat????? -

I am 5 10 and 125 pounds. I think I am a little fat. How can I lose weight quickly. (Like a week or two)

i dont tink your fat, your actually the standard weight, but if you want to be a few inches slimmer cut down on your calories. mymom eats junkfood,but she started counting her calories she lost 3 pounds in three days! she tought she was supposed to eat around 2,000 cals, but she was acctually wrong! if you want to slim down theaverage calories you should eat is about 1,300 od 1,400 calories. trust me this works.and makes you much healthier. also try exercising. the best ways to lose weight are to box, dancing, or jumping or skipping rope! that easy!!!

not fat at all, my sis is 5 0 and she is 120 pounds but the doctor said she is a lil under weightstay the way you areyou shouldn t care bout anyone else and what they thinkif you think you are the way you want to be than be that way and ignore if anyone comments about you being fat ( which you are not)

ok well it depends on how old you are. and im 5 3 and 125 pounds and im totally comfortable with my weight and i think that 125 pounds is nothing!!!! your fine how you are! be comfortable!but if its really bugging you try jogging or some fun kickboxing thing! =D

No not at all thats a very healthy height and weight but if you want to lose weight not that you need to try eating less calories and food in 1 day and exersize on cardio because those machines burn Calories, dont over do it you are not fat

you will always be fat in someone s eyes.but i can say you dont seem to be fat.you must accept yourself in your eyes, to be accepted in others.and if you still want to loose weight,i reccomend crunches, dancing and weight watchers.

If you feel your fat, you can start with eating fruits all week, than set the next week, with portion meals. Also doing your normal exercise as walking or doing sit ups. That always helps me I weight 104 my height 5 2

You aren t fat.I know a person who is 5 4 and she ways 110 and the doctors said that she was good cuz you are tall and you don t want to be under weight when u r tall.

No way. Are you crazy? 5 10 and 125 pounds is thin. There is a different between being fat and lacking tone. Maybe you just need to lift weights. You have NO need to go on a diet.

Umm no , iwouldn t say your fat .i have that problem, i hate myself for that too haha .you are probroley fine , you will feel this way ,because of the teens .

oh my gosh.i m 5 5 and 130 and i am definatly not over weight.and since you are 5 inches taller and weight less than me, you are DEFINATLY not fat

you don t need to lose any weight! you re very skinny.but if you wanna be healthier, go for a walk everyday and eat lots of fruit. stay hydrated:)

everyone things there selfs as being fat, its normal. if u wanna lose at tops 5 lbs jog around, ik its boring but household chores, um swim laps in ur pool. and no junk food for a week. try itx0xem

little bit. to loose wieght. Don t drink pop or candy. You should loose alot like that. that how i lost wieght. at 6 i m how much i wiegh now at 13. (110 lbs)

no your not fat...im 5 8 and 120 pounds and im a size 3....for your height, your weight is fine....dont worry and whoever gave you that idea is wrong.


Honey....you are not fat at all for your height. If anything you are underweight for your height.

Your not fat but to lose some wieght without spending alot eat veggies and some meat and hide all of your candy! then do exercises

Are you kidding me ? you are underweight...weight doesn t matter anyway..its all how you feel..I am 5ft4 112 and I feel and look great..you have 6 inches on me and 13 pounds..your fine..

You probably only need to lose 5 pounds or so, which shouldn t be hard. Just do the no carb/work out twice a day program.

Hey I am also 5 10 I weighed 130 before I had my daughter, and I am working so hard to get back there, I thought I was fat too, but you re not I promise!!

when someone has to ask are they fat, the answer is usually yes.However in this case u sound like u wud be quite slender

YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!!!!! YOU ARE ACUALLY SKINNY!!!!! Im 5 3 and i weigh 120!!!! and im skinny. like flat stomach. PLEASE DON T GET INTO YOUR HEAD THAT YOUR FAT!!!

ur not fat hahaif u insist skip lunch everyday for a week and have one of those chocolate milk drinks

Are you fat? No. Have a body image problem? Definitely.

Bike riding 150 calories gone every mile and its easy and fun

honey you are NOT fat. your just tall. you need a little more self confidence. your body is perfect

No you aren t fat... You should be like 150 to be at an optimally healthy weight

not fat. Maybe you jsut have big hair. Get a slimming hair cut and wear more black.

no i am 5 10 and whiegh 125 and iam not fat every one calls me skinny mini

um, no you are not fat. In some cases you are under weight.

If the numbers are what you say they are then you just might be looking for reassurance.