Saturday, November 24, 2018

Weight Loss Program?? -

My sister is 25 years old and weighs approx. 265lbs. She has tried the LA Weight Loss Program and says that it s too complicated for her to keep up with. She has a new baby and can t afford to go to a gym right now or to sign up for any other professional programs. I don t know what to tell her. Does anybody know what her daily caloric intake should be? As well, any ideas on a workout program that she would be more able and more willing to do? All I know that she has are aerobic videos...but from what I see she gets bored pretty easily. Any ideas for a good routine for her would be appreciated. Any simple ways to cut back on calorie intake as well?

I know this sounds crazy because it hasan infomercial, but this exercise program really helps, even if your sister doesnt follow the meal plans (I didnt and lost a all the weight I wanted to) Slim In 6-�� also, to cut carbs and ensure weight loss tell her to simply cut sweets, sodas and chips out of her diet. Sounds simple, but its hard work (I love the sweets). But if shes motivated enough, she can do anything!

From experience . . . weight loss is not easy . . . some easy to make changes that helped me to lose about 80lbs. (I exceeded my goal) are to limit carb intake, increase fruit and veggie consumption, limit red meat, increase fish and chicken, decrease overall portions, don t eat at least 2 hrs before going to bed, and put some type of exercise in place. A new baby can be a substitute for light weights . . . i.e. she can do baby lifts and other exercise that involve the baby . . . most babies really enjoy the baby lifts