Sunday, December 16, 2018

Would you recomend the new U-weight loss program? -

Did you like it and is it expensive to do?

Never used but it sounds to me like just another gimmick. I would advise doing the classic standard diet. Eat healthy and avoid fatty foods (this doesn t mean starving yourself) and adjust your calorie intake according to your day to day activities. There are plenty of free guides on line on just that or you can ask your doctor. You can still eat what you like you just have to control and watch what you eat. It will help to tone and speed up the process if after you ve dieted for around a month to start incorporating some excercise like walking and stuff. My dad used this method and lost around 70 pounds in six months. You can use quick methods and things like that but they will never keep the wieght off the best way is to lose it the right way.

no program will help you loose weight. you will have to eat healthier and excercise regually. then you will loose weight. weight loss programs act as if you can loose weight without excercising. you can t. you have to excerscie AND eat healthier. add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.