Monday, January 14, 2019

How do you lose weight fast without taking pills? I am 14 and I weigh 130 how do I lose 30 pounds in 3 months? -

My doctor says that i am not over weight but i just want to look skinny like other girls in my school, and everyone is always making fun of me because i am fat.

Hey there. Ok , Safe way is to lose no more than 2 pounds per week. Your main gal here will be losing fat. Start by doing at least cardio 3 days a week(treadmill,bike,jump rope etc...). You need to eat at least 4-5 SMALL meals a day, doing this will raise your metabolic rate and allow you to burn fat throughout the day and not during your workouts. Now if you want toned sexy figure you have to incorporate some weight training. Either do weight training before you do cardio or do it on non cardio days. Weight lift at least 3 days a week. Exercises should be Squats, Lunges,dumbbell curls, weighted sit ups, one arm dumbell rows, bench press, and hyper extensions (you can google for information on how to do these exercises). Also drink at least (12) 8 ounce glasses of water a day and get at least 7 hours of sleep. CHEERS :)

Since you are so young I would not suggest going on a diet in a conventional way because your body is still growing. If you lose a lot of weight too fast at your age you won t be as tall as you would have been and your breasts won t develop as much as they would have. Just focus on eating foods that help your body like fruits, veggies, fiber, and lean protein. Eat when your body tells you that you are hungry and stop eating when your body tells you that you are satisfied. Get some aerobic exercise for about 30 min 3-6 days a week. You are not how much you weigh. Anyone who thinks that is ignorant and shallow.

first off you re 14 yrs old so i can understand why you re taking those things said to heart :( it just really depends on how tall you are and how old you are too. Diet and exercise does make A LOT of difference. Everybody is different but i recommend an hour of cardio 5 times a week for about a month and after that go to cardio 3x s a week with light weight lifting twice a week. (your body doesn t start burning anything really until after 15 minutes into your workout) You burn more calories if you lift weights.. since you re a girl i should start out with 3lb dumbbells. Once you start getting used to your regular workout.. start challenging yourself. Once you plateau you don t burn as many calories as you used to. Diet is key.. remember this needs to be a lifestyle change in order for the results to be permanent. I m not saying don t eat what you enjoy.. just don t binge. Don t Stop Eating. if you starve yourself and the next time you eat your body will store it as fat. you re better off eating breakfast, a nice lunch, a snack and a light dinner. Not only will you look better you will feel better too and your sleep cycle will be more regular.. there s no excuse Not to do it!Bottom line: you re still young. your metabolism is still up there and it s only going to get better if you exercise and eat right. And if you do that you ll look so much better than those skinny girls who have to starve themselves to look the way they do

run around your block one time in the morning before school and twice after school .. eat more grapes and orange ..instead of snacks .. drink water. and plum is good. plum the fruit

morning joging 3 km

I know what yoour feeling... best thing to do is eat healthy and exercise everyday