Saturday, January 26, 2019

I REALLY need to lose weight FAST! Everything and anything helps! Just no guilt trips plzz. Thanks everyone!? -

Okay so I am majorly over weight. I need to loss as much weight as possible as fast as possible. I dont care if it is unhealthy. I cant do any dont eat at all things though. Please no one tell me how unhealthy it is to lose weight fast. Also i am 5 3 and 175lbs. I would like to be about 100 lbs. by June thanks.

Look, 100lbs at 5 3 isn t healthy. Losing 75lbs in 3 weeks sure as hell is deadly. Exercise, quit eating processed food, NEVER eat out. For the love of god, drink water or milk (or tea), that s it. No soda, no diet soda, no chocolate milk, nada.You will be surprised how fast the wieght comes off. Honestly, if you drop weight way to fast, you will put it back on in 2-3 months.