Sunday, January 13, 2019

Whats the best way a girl teen can lose weight fast? -

I really want to improve my image. I can t find an accurate diet for teens my age, in middle school. I m 5 4 and 172 : [

I have a degree in nutrition and I will tell you that losing weight fast is not healthy for your body and it isn t sustainable. The best way to lose weight is to change your lifestyle. You should try to eat more fruits and vegetables, try to eat whole grains instead of say white bread or dessert food. Also try to eat less saturated which are in full fat animal products (whole milk or regular yogurt or butter, and red meat) and trans fats (some margarines and lots of baked goods). Also,to lose weight you should try working out about a half hour to an hour a day. You don t have to run a marathon, just try to walk briskly or ride a bike or rollerblades. You really shouldn t try to lose more than 1 to 2 pounds a week.

Keep it simple. Eat egg whites and a slice of wheat toast for breakfast. Eat greens and fish (tuna fish works) for lunch. Eat green vegetables and fish for dinner. Drink 8 glasses of cold water a day. Your body burns calories when it heats the water up.

dont do anything like bingeing.. that only leads to more fat in the long run.i say keep a consistent diet and do alot of exercise.

follow this program. it will help you in the long runhttp://jjsoul.burnthefat.hop.clickbank.n��

pilates..... i lost 40 pounds in 3 months on pilates. and i was not dieting. you just have to be commited and understand it will take a few weeks to notice a change. dont give up.