Sunday, February 17, 2019

How can I lose weight fast? -

I want to lose weight fast and and be healthy at the same time. I can t stay on a deit cause I love to eat escpecially junk food. Also I m not good at exercising unless I m playing some kind of game or something but that doesn t happen much. What should I do?

you should play sprots that you lovee! that;ll defenantly help you shred some pounds. the best way to loose them, is swimming but it doesnt really matter as long as you re being actvive. and for the junkfood just start eating fruits and vegetables, and have chocolate only once a day as a treat!

if you cant stay away from junk food then try to decrease the amount you eat at least just try to cute what you usually eat in half and then find a good friend that will make you walk its much easier to walk with a friend that will push you instead of doing it on your own

just hold in a massive poop, im serious MASSIVE POOP, then wait 6 months without goin poo pooh, and then u may need plyers for this, but just poop it all out i mean seriously go UGGGGGHHHHH and then itll be like havin 11 babies but still u ll lose like 20 pounds

diet and excercse,find a freind to walk and workout with you,eat low calorie snacks and meals,drink lots of water

visit for details

There is no such thing as fast weight loss.