Monday, February 11, 2019

How to lose weight fast without taking pills? -

-Drink eight glasses of water each day-Walk for at least one hour non stop per day-Do not eat after six p.m-Eat only 100% organic food-use infrared saunas -eat grapefruits/apples all day long-Absolutely NO MSG or artificial sweeteners. e.i diet soda or any diet food.-Do not eat at fast food or chain restaurants-No high fructose corn syrup-Limit dairy products-Eat a big salad at lunch AND dinner-jump on a mini trampoline for 10 minutes a day-add hot peppers to your cooking-Breathe deeply-wear magnetic finger rings- cheat whenever you HEALTHY snacks all day long in between meals

Step 1:First you want to walk when possible you do not need to jog just walk. Take a walk around the neighborhood. Jump on the trampoline with the kids. Try to get a least a little bit of physical activity.Step 2:You will need to eat a lot of cereal including oatmeal, tuna on wheat with a little mayonnaise, fish, grains, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables. Step 3:You can still eat at fast food restaurants just eat a little healthier.Eat a grilled chicken salad with low fat dressing and drink water or a diet soda. Or eat a sandwich on wheat with lots of vegetables and turkey with low fat dressing or none at all. You can enjoy some of those high fat foods occasionally just not daily. Limit yourself to one every two weeks. Watch the pounds begin to shed.

Step 1: Cut down on the amount of processed sugars and carbohydrates you eat.Step 2:Consume only small portions of starchy grains and vegetables, such as brown rice, beans, corn, and potatoes. Try to limit yourself to only one small serving of a starch per day.Step 3:Eat one portion of lean protein with every meal, and two portions of veggies.Step 4:Varying your menu will keep you from getting bored. Also, using lots of fresh herbs and good quality spices will make your meals more flavorful without adding fat.Step 5:For exercise, if you haven��t exercised in a while, start with something low impact, like walking. If you can, walk somewhere hilly so that your level of excursion varies. Pair your cardio workouts with strength training. Lifting light weights will increase your muscle mass. More muscle means you will be burning more calories every day, even while at rest.

Step 1:First of all cut back on sweetened soda and juice... these drinks have a lot of calories and the calories .Step 2:Cut back on breads and rice,carbohydrates. they have a lot of sugar which in turn can turn to fat plus they don t keep you filled as long.... eat foods high in protien and fiber... meats, greens, protien bars... high fiber bread.Step 3:the next key is exercise.. Start a walking club at work.... if you walk during your luncg break even if it is a 20 minute walk that adds up during the end of the week. get a wal in on the weekend or go to the gym a little here and there will make a difference over time . a few minor changes will really make a difference.

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work out a few hous a day ( befoe breakfast and before dinner ) also dont eat candy cookies cake ex...see the difference!

boxing... tons of cardio and fun, you shed pounds faster than you can imagine