Friday, June 14, 2019

How can i lose weight fast? -

I need to lose weight fast. Im going on vaca soon and i have been steadly losing weight but i lost 10 pounds (average 2 pounds a week) and was happy at the progress. However in the last 2 weeks I have not lost anything. I eat the same and exercise the same as in weeks that i lost. Please help with any ideas. I will not use pills or and crazy diet i want to be healthy as i lose the weight.Thanks

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!

Just stick to the regime that was working for you before. YOu are bound to get the odd glich along the way, but giving up is not the answer ! Good luck.

hiIt is really normal to plateau in weight loss.It normally does pass if you persist.Are you almost at a desirable weight, or are you overweight?If you eat a very strict diet then I would not suggest eating less, but if you find you eat in excess of 1200 cals a day, you could cut back more.Here are some personal tips;increase exercise; do 30 mins aerobics almost every day- or run, swim etcDrink extra water- 8 glasses a day is goodEat MORE - not bad food, but try to have carrot sticks, plain salad 9mixed leaves etc, piece of fruit and so on, every couple of hours, so a light breakfast, with snack morning, light lunch, snack etcDo not eat in the evenings, say after 5 or 6 pmAnd maybe try switching all your fatty foods for lower ones- if using butter try the lowest fat spread available, and switch cheese for low fat, milk etc - every bit helpsI know its frustrating but often the first few pounds comes off easy then it is a real fight.GOod luck and enjoy your holiday!

bunny, you can try healthy and balanced diet instead of crazy diet. Along with this is a link to a free 7 days diet course. You can take a look with it, if you think that the diet is reasonable, you can follow. It is pretty healthy :)For exercises, do cardio exercise for at least 30minutes a day. You can try exercises like jogging and swimming. These exercises are particularly good in burning fat and calories.Hope that my advices help.