Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I need to lose weight fast my wedding coming up 31/2 months? -

My wedding is coming up in 31/2 months and i need to loose 30 pound i dont think its posible but does anyone think i could lose some weight before then.

It s best to aim for 1 - 2 pounds of weight loss per week. So in 16 weeks, 30 pounds is possible, but it is aggressive. You ll need a weekly calorie deficit of 7000 calories to lose 2 pounds per week, which is 1000 calories daily. To do that, you could eat about 500 less calories and burn 500 calories by exercising.For specific suggestions about what to eat and what kind of exercise to do, I recommend the Spark People website It s free website--you just need to sign up. They have meal plan suggestions and exercise suggestions.Oh, and best wishes on the wedding!

Run! That is the best exercise you can do. Run (not jog) about 20 min a day. Go to the gym and work out your abs, back, legs and arms, too. Drink only water (or coffee if you must, but no mochas). Do not drink soft drinks or juices! Avoid alcohol as well (so many carbs). The most important thing is to set and goal, make an exercise plan and stick to it. Good luck! I know you can do it; it s just whether or not you ll push yourself to your full potential.

cut your calories and carbs. thoses make fat. never eat anything with saturated fat. that stores extra fat. run about 3 miles a day, or if its too much, atleast 1. do alot of jumprope and sit ups. push ups are really good too.

at NEW YORK SPORTS CLUB they have a special training deal for brides. it is about 10 weeks long and the results are amazing. they even made a tv show about how great it is. if i had to lose 30 pounds for my wedding, i would do this

Do the Atkins diet ..easy to follow...DO NOT EAT ANYTHING *WHITE* I mean anything in the color salt sugar,pastas,potatoes,NOTHING the color white and drink lots of water...lots of veggies, fish and chicken ALL you can eat no breads ok !..I lost 50 lbs in 2 1/2 months!!!

It s easy - do this:1. Eat 1/3 your normal calorie intake.2. Eliminate all dairy products3. Triple the amount of water you currently drink.I lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks this way.If this is the best answer, please vote it the best answer. Thanks!

Stop eating!

not eating after 6 pm and exercises healthy eating.

Congratulations!Don t worry.I lost 8 kilograms in tow months.In the first week,don t eat supper and just eat 1/3of your normal breakfast and lunch.So that your stomach will be smaller,and then next weeks will feel better and eat less.But continue to do this.In the second month,you do the same thing everyday but add more exercises.Remember,the first week you should be strict to yourself,if you don t all the things you will do will be useless.

you can do it. you just need the motivation. start with watching what you eat. If you are taking in a certain amount of calories each day than you need to burn off those calories by excercising. Find some excercises that will get your heart rate up and you can sweat alot. the more you sweat the more water weight you will lose.

exercise.... a lotlike, 2 hours a day.

Despite all the bad press, the fastest I ever lost weight was on Atkins. Follow it properly, ie 25grams of carbs for 2 weeks, the you start adding more - I didn t exercise with this.A sensible diet you should lose 2lbs per week you have about 14 weeks so with moderate exercise you should do it easily.Failing that try doing it like on the biggest Loser - diet and mega exercise or surgery.

My wife and I have competed in various physique competitions. In one 12 week period, my wife lost 24 lb. and beat out thousands of other competitors! I have two books to recommend. The first will do the job and the second will do the best job but it is very extreme! Here they are:Body For Life (Good beginning book, motivational, you don t need the supplements though)http://www.bodyforlife.com Lean (Extremely good book! Worth the EXPENSIVE price.) luck my good friend!J

eat 1 piece of toast per day and nothing else untill you loose lbs.

congrats i hope all goes well the man thing to rember is try not to stress over it.because if you dont lose it your soon to be husband will still love you and rember if you do lose all that weight will the dress still just for you im sure you are beautiful the way you are.TRY NOT TO STRESS IT WILL ALL BE FINE!!!!!!

yes you can go vegitarian till the wedding and run for about one and a half hours a day