Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How can i lose weight fast and have abs? -

I weigh 170 pounds and i will not use a ab lounge cause my uncle has one an it dosent work

A healthy diet and proper exercise will show good results in as little as 6 weeks if you stick with it. Just by substituting water for pop will make you lose a few pounds in 6 weeks. Try eating like 4 or 5 smaller, but healthy meals a day. That will boost you rmetabolism. As for working out, try interval running. It works awesome. Jog for say 3 minutes, then bring it up to a sprint for only 1. Then keep repeating it. Find a distance that you have to push yourself to achieve but not to the point where you cannot complete it at least 4 times a week. Basically what it does is burn a lot of calories in a short period of time, significantly increase your endurance, and it will make jogging very easy if it isn t already, because what you are doing in a sense is tricking your body into believing it is at a resting state every time you go from a sprint to a jog. Hope this helps.

Pilates is a good way to not only strengthen your core (abs) but also center yourself and learn about how quality not quantity is important (not only in exercise eating but in life too) Make sure you find a VERY WELL TRAINED instructor because there are many out there that have minimal training/experience. There is lots of info on the net if you are interested.

to better answer yr question visit here

You have to be willing to eat clean and work out 6 days a week. You can t spot reduce your abs, but you can get your body fat low enough to show them off! If you re a beginner to fitness, check out the book Body for Life by Bill Phillips. ( had three babies and at 32 got a smokin body by using this book, its very clear and easy to understand.You will never get rockin abs with an ab lounger, and if you aren t willing to work out you might as well forget all of it.***If you re drinking 6 cans of regular pop a day, a great way to lose some weight fast is to switch to diet soda, better yet, water. You ll lose weight really fast too if you start running!

a fit body takes time, effort, and focus to achieve and you will not achieve it over night. the ab lounge does work if you do it correctly and consistently. you need to focus on diet, exercise and rest. you need cardio, resistance training, and circuit training, and other activities. the secret to losing weight is to stay active and eat a healthy, high fiber, low fat diet. by this i mean brightly colored fruits/vegies, soy products, lean meats that are broiled, baked, etc with a little olive oil. eat non fat or low fat dairy products and high fiber cereals such as oatmeal, shredded wheat, granola, etc. exercise before breakfast and after dinner for at least 60 minutes and make sure to drink plenty of water and green tea. wear a pedometer and strive to achieve at least 10,000 steps a day. the more steps you take the healthier you will be. good luck.

you need to be dedicated to your work take time to show...try weights when working out also use a ball to help with abs...very effective and quick results

were king out 20 min every day

Site below has fastest and slow ways to lose weight so your clothes are more loose. Fastest way is fasting-- lose 15 pounds in 5 days which is mostly water so it is not dangerous like losing that much bodyfat.Plus way to lose 5 to 20 pounds in an hour of human waste from an enema and how to permanently keep it to a minimum. This is a secret trick used by models before an event to have a flat tummy. Imagine your motivation to lose say 8 pounds in an hour doing that. Then you fast and lose another 12 pounds in 5 days. Then (at 20 pounds lighter) that motivates you to eat better so you continue to lose weight. Do ab exercises to tone ab muscles.

get the ab lounge stupid