Saturday, September 28, 2019

What is the best way to lose weight fast? -

To lose wieght, what should I eat? What exersises should I do? And what should I avoid eating?

The best advice is to eat as many fruits, vegetables and natural foods as possible. Try to eliminate as much processed food from your diet as you can.Use an online calculator to figure out how many calories per day you should be consuming (google it to find one)... And then use a service, such as, to track how many calories you are consuming. If you are wanting to lose weight try to aim for 300-500 less calories than you should be consuming to maintain a stable body weight.As for exercise, try to do something everyday... I have a baseline exercise routine of squats, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and stretches that takes me about 20 mins to get through... and I do it every day!!! I call it my tooth-brush routine . as in you wouldn t go a day without brushing your teeth, so don t go a day without exercise.Try for 3-4 days a week where you are doing something extra, jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, plus some sort of resistance training. This is is important as you want to lose FAT not lean muscle mass.Foods to avoid... I think it s pretty obvious for most of us... Potato chips, fast foods, candy bars, too much alcohol, too many things withg rich creamy sauces....etc...Become a food label addict (as in reading them and using websites such as, and you ll soon get the idea.I still eat burgers, cookies, etc... but I make them myself (minimise processed foods).I also try and do two days a week during which I eat nothing but fruits and vegetables...

I came across this great product for weight loss (all nautral) and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling. A must!

Eat less. Incrementally, like 10% less per week, so you don t get too hungry. Less sugar and fried foods help too.

First that to loose weight you do not required to controle on food. You may find it surprise but food controle does not loose your weight.You do not need to go gymn.You need to do YOGAS and PRAYANAMS .Answer is over however if you are seriously want to loose your weight, please contact me. ......... driverleo2000

To lose weight fast. Do cardio 2 to 3 times per day in a sweat suit. Take a diet pill at 7am and 11am. Drink 20 glasses water per day. Only eat can tuna, beans and plain lettuce and carrots. Keep calories between 500 to 700 calories.A more sensible approach would be.Concentrate on overall fitness and maintaining a healthy heart.For best results, eat six times a day. Try balancing your meals 70% protein 30% carbs. Eat a combination of lean protein and healthy carbohydrates every few hours throughout the day to speed up fat loss and maintain stable energy levels. Eat your proteins from lean sources (Chicken, fish, boiled eggs, lean beef with all the fat drained off) and beans (lentil, lima, chile or any type of bean) For your carbs stay away from breads, pasta and rice. They do provide energy but they are high in calories. Choose leafy vegetables, carrots, raisins, broccoli and fresh fruits. Weight train intensely, three times per week on alternating days with aerobic exercise three times per week.Drink 10 to 20 glasses water per day NO SODAGood Luck !!!Eat Right and do Cardio (jogging, aerobics or bike riding 30minutes per day) to burn fat.