Monday, October 14, 2019

Teen weight loss????????? -

well im 14 5 8 210 pds i wanted to know what would be the best weight loss program for me and dont tell me eat small meals even though that does work how am i suppost to do that at school

Well, obviously eating smaller amounts and less fatty food would help, but since that s not what you want to hear, I would suggest doing crunchies or sit ups. I hold myself in a crunchie position as high up as I can go, and hold it there as long as I can. Just take full deep breaths while you re doing that. If you have a gym by your house, just go on a treadmill and walk. It doesn t have to be at a fast pace, just as long as you re moving.

you can always do that at school-dont make excuses, make an effort

teens should not be attempting to loose weight.if you are overweight and in your teens, you should not try to loose weight. instead try to maintain the same weight, since you are still growing.

well you don t nessisarly need to eat small meals, but like eat every meal don t skip meals that will make u gain more weight cuz you ll be hungry then eat more, try to excercise , i m trying to lose weight too so i run 20 mins every day. Sometimes its hard to run cuz you just feel like you don t want to, but just do it, find yourself a reason to run. It will take a long time and hard work but it will pay off good luck!