Thursday, October 24, 2019

What is the easiest way to lose weight? -

I ve tried eating less and exercising, weight loss programs, none of it works! What should I do?

Walking and doing housework is the best exercise for losing fat and ensure that your diet does not include any high calorie foods. Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. From

move to japan...

don t eat anything whit....white bread, potatoes, rice, etc. they all contain starch. also, eat lots of red meat and drink plenty of water. nothing with sugar in it like coke, koolaid, sweet tea, etc.

jumping up and down

well an easy way for me to loose weight was just not eating because i was so stressed out i would just pop a Peace of gum in my mouth and that helped the cravings but then again that is not healthy SOOOOOO what i suggest is to eat smaller meals more often like eat 5 times A day but small potions and don t eat a lot of carbs like bread and pasta but stick to fresh fruits and veggies fish like white fish baked not fried STAY away from RED meats and drink water not soda and that should help also try running or just put on some good music and do some sit ups and push ups leg curls in your room that also worked for me once i got on the right track of things i lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks so there are some tips GOOD LUCK!!! :D

sleep all the timethats what i do and i never gain weightor you could get monomy friend lost like 15lbs when they had it

i ve found in my experience that the easiest way is to just replace the cookies with bananas. replace the ice cream with smoothies. you don t eat less, you just eat different. i lost about 10 lbs in 4 weeks. eating less doesn t help. it s like missing breakfast. all it does is make you starving by lunch time and you eat like twice as much. good luck.

Have you bought any Weight Watchers cookbooks by chance? I lost 70 lbs 5 years ago and kept it off.....I did not go to meetings. You didn t say what weight loss programs you ve used.

to the moon

Depends how much you weigh, but I know eating less isn t good, eating less makes your body think it s starving and it makes you GAIN weight.Eat subway...worked for Jared

I ve found that if you are truly dedicated to a rigorous fitness routine, cut out the stuff that s really bad for you (junk food, fast food, fried food) then you will lose weight. often in some cases it takes a long time to see results because to have significant weight loss, your metabolism has to change. Your genetics could play a role in how easily your metabolism can speed up.

this sounds crazy and stupid but i carried rounf a two litre water bottle with me and made sure i drank 2 litres of water or more every day for 2 weeks and lost 5 pounds in two weeks

everytime you want to eat a bowl of ice cream or some junk food take a jog around your block 3 times dont eat less alot

There is nothing easy about losing weight. If you have put effort into these programs that you have tried (I suggest Weight Watchers) and still are not able to lose weight, talk to your doctor. You may have some thyroid or other physical problem that is preventing you from losing weight.

try eatting more veggies. this keeps your matabolism working so that you burn more. Also, try to make sure you aren t eatting to many startches. That can have a big effect on how much weight you loose.

Dont eat anything for a month.

exercise, and eat the right food. But don t stress out because you will lose the weight if you stick to your diet and exercise!

don t try to eat less, sometimes that makes it WORSE. Instead try eating healthy and continue excercising. Lay off the McDonalds and the 5-min treadmill. Mcdonalds food aren t healthy food and going on a treadmill let alone 5 minutes won t get you anywhere. Walk around your neighborhood. Become a mall walker if you have too.