Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to lose 40 lbs in 1 week? Which weight loss program works? -

im 160 lbs, i wanna weigh about 120. what should i do. i want to lose it by nov 10th. does any weight loss programs really work if so which ones. I tried the quick trim stuff it didnt work. Any suggestions?

there is no way, you will die.

The cheapest thing is exercise and eat healthy. Eat 1200-1500 cals a day and DONT GO over ( I used to do that and then wonder at the end of the week why I wasnt losing lol ) ,make sure you write everything you eat down on a piece of paper and how many calories are in it, lots of water and 4-5 fruits and veggies a day, look up some healthy foods and meals and go shopping! Exercise 4-5 days a week for as long as you can doing some cardio ( walking, jogging, biking ).It may take a while to see the changes you are looking for but always remember you can do it and dont give it! Best of luckP.S. if the people on the biggest loser can lose 15 pounds in one week you can to. You may not hit 40 but you can come close if you are truely serious about losing weight.

There are several types of fasts that can be beneficial for weight loss. 1. The complete water fast: This, admittedly, should be conducted with extreme caution or in a specialized sanitarium if undertaken more than 3 days. 2. The Juice Fast: This is much easier for the general populace and can be undergone as long as you feel like it. 3. The Fruit Fast: This, well, is really not a fast per se��but when one lives exclusively on SEASONAL ORGANIC fruits for days on end��meaning mono meals (2 at the most ) of only one kind of fruit say Apples in Fall, Melons in summer for a week plus, you will be bound to see the benefits. 4. The Dry Fast: This is another camouflaged fast where one consumes ONLY dry fruits such as dates; figs etc for 3 days or thereabout and then breaks the fast with a laxative. Though highly praised in some quarters, it��s not so common. The second and third choices are by far my personal recommendations for those seeking to lose weight. A friend of mine tried the second choice after months of badgering and was able to eventually see the awesome cuts in his abdominal cavities. You should have heard him exclaim on the phone to me: Foras��I got a six-pack man��and I didn��t even do no sit-ups��! Moreover, his supposed hereditary red-eyes cleared up after several eye-doctors had told him it was just a genetic trait��yeah, right! more..The fastest way to quick lose weight!http://www.tipsinlife.com/weight-loss-quick-fastest.htm

Start immediately to drink at least a gallon of pure water each day. Make the water as cold as you can stand it. The colder it is, the more calories your body will burn just warming it up. Add lemon or lime juice for better taste but don t add any sugar or artificial sweeteners.

I don t think it s possible for people to lose 40 lbs in 1 week naturally... If it were possible, i think lots of people would try it =p

That is impossible. I wish it were, though. However, you might be able to gain 40 pounds in that time frame...