Monday, November 11, 2019

Is Aderall effective as a weight loss program? I was prescribed Adderall 20mg and I find it ineffective.? -

I really can t tell it suppresses my appetite at all. Have you found anything that does?

I dont think that its a long term solution, but definitely check with your Dr. I also found this blog for a safe way to lose some weightCheck it out it helps!

is that the little blue pill?

First of all Adderall is a medication for AD/HD it is not for suppressing appetite even though that is a side affect for some people. Protein water is good because it fills you up or look for some foods that are light in calories but big on fiber that will keep you full.

I have been taking 20 mg of Adderall for 5 months and I have about 4 lbs the whole time. I weigh 115 lbs and I am 5 8 so I m just trying to maintain my weight. I would talk to your doctor about effective weight loss programs but honestly-- the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume so yes, that means step up the cardiovascular exercise. Try to go on more walks or jogs and be more active overall. If you haven t already, I strongly recommend joining a fitnesse center. Cut all beverages out of your diet except water- SERIOUSLY, it will make a noticeable difference in 10 days. Good luck!

Adderall is for like ADHD.