Friday, December 27, 2019

How can I lose weight quickly? -

You cant lose weight quickly, youre doomed to at least 1 year of counting calories, crying yourself to sleep, seeing food you really want to eat, and sadly settling for muesli or a half a piece of toast per day. This will last for about 3 days then your craving for real foods will start driving you crazy.....on the 4th day youll buy $50 worth of candy bars and eat them when no one else is around, and because you pigged out on chocolates youll start to hate yourself for it, which is going to result in binge eating on the 5th and 6th days.......and your scales are going to say youve put on 10lbs even after youve just taken the biggest dump in history, youre doomed I tell ya, youre gonna get so upset about your weight youre gonna worry and stay up all night tossing and turning, so much so that youll get hungry every morning at 3am so your gonna sneak out and have 2 plates of ice cream every night for 2 weeks and thats gonna shoot your blood sugar waaaay up over 30 points every night, and then the worst part is yet to come. Because of all the damned sugar you pigged out on, your pancreas will produce far too much insulin and this will basically cause you to black out or go into low sugar comatose state, By the time you wake up itll be the middle of next week and youll be so damned hungry youll eat everything in the house including your pillow and the cycle starts all over again. So face it fatty.......youre doomed.

Leave out all fried foods from your diet and buy a jump rope and use it everyday, seriously for like 20 mins. you would be surprised......and eat smaller portions.

If you lose weight quickly, you ll put it right back on and more!! Proper weight loss requires a whole new way of eating - eating healthy and proper proportions.If you are more than 100 lbs overweight you can look into gastric bypass or lapbanding to help with that initial haul.Otherwise, eat wisely, clean the kitchen and throw out all fattening foods and make sure you exercise - even if you just walk 30 minutes a day.If you enjoyed Dancing with the Stars - get their video - it s cool and gives you a cardio workout too.

go on a diet, you fat pig.

Losing weight quickly is unhealthy. Do it slow and use proper diet and exercise.

I found a great way to lose weight fast and keep it off. I do body cleansing. I lost 13 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. Cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurites come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives etc. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To shrink the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. To learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. Cleansing was good for me. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

here is how you do it first comes you and the will power to do it if you have then every thing should go smooth then comes the food you should avoid which is bread all kinds even wheat , fried foods ,sugar,fruit yes i said fruit it has alot of sugar and it helps store fat which you dont want and potatoes you should eat six small meals a day spread throughout the day every 3 hours as this will help boost you motabolism and they should also be small next is water drink plenty of it because if youre not getting enough then your body starts to store it making you look fatter than what you actualy are urine should be clear in color as this indicates hydration next you should eat lean protien such as chicken fish and on ocasion red meats go with beans vegetables or in simpler terms eat foods high in protien and fiber you should insure that you are getting all your vitamins by taking a daily vitamin and i dont recomened that you take any diet pill those things can be deadly also drink coffe go ahead and sweeten it with splenda and also drink green tea because they will help you burn fat speaking of that another good food is Eggs boiled eggs dont believe what people say that the yellow part is bad heck it reall good for weight loss because they have iron vitimans and most importantly they have fat burners in them and then comes exercise yup your gonna have to do this one oh one more thing always eat serving size of everything oh wright where was i exercize you should start off slow with cardio like walking or biking the best time to do this is first thing in the morning before breakfast that way you burn fat stored in your body as aposed to the food that you ate oh one more thing dont eat after seven or at least 4 hours before you go to sleep back to where i was do cardio also at the end of the day that way your burn what you eat another must is resistant training that burns alot of calories and if you build muscle of some type it will actualy help burn calories by consuming them always stay active like taking the stairs rather than the elavator you know simple stuff like that adds up and really helps another good reason to do this besides you looking better is your health you want to avoid diabetes and heart disease and want to extend your life and have good health so to you good luck and God bless you woops sorry one more thing before i stop typing if you dont start today then you will never start keep that in mind once again God bless you

amputation is the quickest way i can think of.

Try jogging and drinking enough water (8glasses per day) and cut out completely on junk food.avoid take aways and eat mainly home made meals.

spend less time asking these questions?

have one of your friends put a twinkie on a string infront of your face and ride you like a shatlin pony while u try to catch up with it

the best weight loss is gradual, if you lose it too quickly your skin will end up being loose and stuff and that is gross looking, just start a diet exercise, do cardio, eat smaller meals more often to keep metabolism going, do crunches leg lifts, any core workout to get your body running. if you procrastinate though, that means say ill do that in a little bit or ill start tomorrow, it will not work, you need enough determination to right now put down the chalupa and get a salad with lite dressing, and right after get on the floor and do some crunches or eight minute abs.

keep moving, and drink alot of water