Thursday, March 28, 2019

A guy I like said his exgf weighs 95lbs. I feel fat. How can lose weight fast? -

I m 5 5 and weight 118lbs. I thought I have an okay body. I mean.. I have a curvy waist and some boobs and butt lol. He said his exgf is 95lbs. (I think she s 5 3 or 5 4 ) I know I shouldn t compare but I couldn t help it. I m not fat, but I guess I m not lean enough. I try to exercise and eat right, but are there anything else that is helpful? I m asian, and it seems like most asians girls are so thin. I m actually fat compare to most asians =(. Maybe I should eat even less. When you like someone you would want them to think you are pretty right? =( Maybe I am fat to him. *self esteem going down the drain*

no guy is going to like you if you are that needy of his approval. you are healthy and do not need to lose weight. if he doesn t like you the way you are, maybe you should focus your attention elsewhere.

If she s 5 5 and wieghts 95 shes underweight, seeing as the human body needs 22% fat to be healthy.

Hunny, That is a perfect weight for your height. Who cares what a guy thinks. So what if your not 95 pounds!! (THATS WAY TOO SKINNY) Just be yourself when your around him. If he doesn t like you because you don t look right to him than he is not worth it.

118 is good. Under 100 lbs for any adult is way too skinny.

So he liked a girl who was 95 lbs. He s not with her anymore so maybe he realized the reason she weighed so little was because she had no BRAIN ! Keep your curves ! Men love curves.

Get a grip, girl! It��s your self-esteem that needs work, not your body. If this guy��s ex had been anorexic and weighed 70 lbs, would you want to strive for that, too?

Okay, first of all, you are looking things over in the wrong way. She is shorter than you so she is SUPPOSED to be skinnier! When I was in the sixth grade I was 110 pounds, which was at least 20-30 more pounds than all the other kids, but I was 5 4 and the tallest one there! You can gain and lose weight anytime, but a good height is a blessing! Most girls would die for long legs.Second, you are selling yourself short. What has this guy ever done for you that you would be willing to change who you are for HIM? And Asian girls aren t supposed to be super lean, they have the best food! I am your height and I am 125 pounds. People say I am skinny. If you want him to like you back, if he doesn t like you for YOU, your relationship will never, ever work. I don t even have a butt or any chest! Haha.P.S., all guys prefer curvy women as to a bag of bones ;)

Uh, that was his EX girlfriend - does he talk like he really liked her body? Or was he just mentioning that because people were on the topic of weight? This could have a lot to do with whether or not you really need to lose weight.I m 5 0 and weigh the same as you do, and I m not considered fat either! So, I really really REALLY would not suggest losing weight. If you were to lose weight it might make you unhealthy and you may end up getting sick. Just be very careful when you decide to do anything drastic involving your weight - don t want you to get hurt!Good luck!

Dont be jealous, be PROUD! 95 pounds is tooo thin! U sound great to me! =)

5 5 and 118 is tiny sweetie!! And you need to remember that his ex is just EX! There is a reason that they are no longer together. Maybe he didn t like that she was 95 lbs.! Most guys will tell you anyway that having curves is sexy...there is nothing appealing about a girl with bones sticking out! The most important thing is that he is into YOU, not your weight. I think that if you are comfortable in your own skin and confident in the way you look, there is nothing more sexy! Just relax and have fun... Best of luck to you! :)

You are not fat at all!!! 95lbs is anorexic skinny...

r u 4 real ????95 lbs??? what was she 11 or 12 years old???I would be honored to have you just as you are Some boob and butt is better then a rack of ribs with no butt ta spare. Look @ ya SKINNY is not in. What do ya want a size 0??? Im 6foot 4 and kinda thin so I prefer a well adjusted person who does not worry about some goof saying my x was a size nada. Be more confidant @ yourself and find a new boytoy