Sunday, September 15, 2019

Is walking a mile on the tredclimber a good, fast way to lose weight? -

if i walk a mile on my tredclimber everyday and eat smaller portions of food will i lose

if you want to lose it fast then try walking a bit further each day...

Depends on how much exercise you were taking before. If this is a start then you will loose weight quite quickly, but your body will get used to it. You will need to monitor your fitness and increase distance; time; and incline as required to maintain a good level of weight loss.However, you may find that you are gaining a little weight as you loose fat and tone your muscles, so don t feel down if your scales don t behave.A mile is a very short distance and you are going at a slow pace.Up the speed so that it is a very brisk walk, go on time rather than distance. Increase the incline.But it s great that you are taking exercise and reducing your calorie intake. A great way to improve your health and loose weight.