Thursday, January 19, 2006

DO y0u @GreE or diSaGrEe wItH tHi$???? -

that at some point in everyone s life they go on some form of diet or weight loss program or start to obsess over weight loss for a certain period of time?

i think that some people are happy with their bodies, but everyone has some insurities and for many people its their weight. im 15 and i started my first diet at 11.

I started being concerned when I was like, 5...? Because I was teased for being fat... I tried the Scarsdale diet (with parents help) at age 8, and it worked ok. I have fought my weight through healthy and unhealthy ways for 30 years... I am paying for the unhealthy ways -- osteoporosis (male under age 40 with osteoporosis, sux!)... I m pretty close to a healthy weight now, a little underweight, and wish I had more muscle mass like I used to. I don t really think dieting or trying to gain weight fast under age 18 or 20 is helpful if you are within healthy limits (and I don t mean what most magazines consider beautiful)... The reason is this -- your body isn t done growing and really deciding how it will be shaped. I recommend excercise (not to extremes like some do), and healthy eating and that s all. When you are 18 or so, then maybe a reasonable diet or weight gain program is ok, if you desire change. Just my humble opinion.

i dissagree. some ppl r happy w/ the way that they look and feel. that other guy was right. u do spell like a gnomish dummy (i hate the word retard. think of all the ppl that r actually mentally and physically retarded. poor ppl).

i am only 15 years old, and i have beenon a diet for nearly my entire life. it is different for everyone. it all depends on how you feel about what other people think.

well i agree but i also disagree casue i think every GIRL goes through that boys dont seem to worry about that as mucha s we girls do lol :)

Eh, somewhat.Although, I don t think of extremities you said.Some people are actually smart and know how to lose weight properly if they need to.


i don t know but i sure as hell disagree with your typing.


yes some people do that some people gain weight wehn they get stressed out

yupp yupp i completely agree. i do it all the time! =/