Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Does anyone have any weight loss tips? -

I m trying to loose 4 kg s in 4 months and was wondering if anyone has any tips to loose the weight?

Since each person is different and requires different amount of nutrients, and calories to function well, there is no need to concern yourself about the amount of calories you should consume as about eating the proper foods. Rotate your foods, and be sure to eat a variety of foods. Eat meals that consist of a balance of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and some fat. When there is inadequate intake of certain essential nutrients, fat is not easily or adequately burned and can accumulate in the body. By eating balanced meals you get more steady blood sugar levels and the ability to burn stored body fat for long-term weight loss.Eat fresh fruits and an abundance of raw vegetables. Have one meal each day that consists entirely of vegetables and fruits. Use more low calorie vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, kale, lettuce, onions, radishes, spinach, and turnips. Eat more of the low calorie, low-carbohydrate fruits including, apples, cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, and watermelon.Eat foods raw where possible. Drink 8 �C 10 glasses of water each day. Also include home made fruit juices and vegetable juices in your diet. Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables - at least all kinds that you can get your hands on. Just eat more of the low cal., low carb ones. Eat at least 3 times per day, your breakfast being the largest and very nutritious. And do not forget to take exercise.Example of mealsBreakfast:- a complex carbohydrate (yam, green banana, potato, etc.), steamed green leafy vegetable, meat or fresh, fruits, mixed with nuts, and seeds.Mid Afternoon meal:- of meat or fish, 1 or 2 complex carbohydrate (eg. yam, potatoes, pumpkin etc), a mixture of raw vegetables, (eg. lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, yellow or red sweet pepper, shredded carrots), varied mixture of steam vegetables (eg a leafy vegetable and/or string beans, or a vegetable salad)If you d like to add drink - preferably home made fruit or vegetable juice.Evening Meal:- A mixture of different fruits with nuts and seeds. Or a mixture of different raw vegetables with nuts, seeds, and cheese.The above examples are just guidelines that you may follow. You should vary your meals.

I found this really quick workout that only takes 9 minutes a day. You don��t need any equipment and you can really feel (and see) the results. When you have a minute or two check out The site leaves a little to be desired, but the DVD workout is good.

Drink plenty of water. Eat only healthy foods if you can with few cheat days . Exercise at least 3 days a week and up to 6 days. Get plenty of rest. Research HIIT cardio and do it. That will probably make you lose the weight fastest.

Try eating mostly green vegetables and lean protein (skinless chicken, turkey or fish). Skip all white foods (bread, potatoes). Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Try this article Top Ten Weight Loss Tips-

( Green tea ) 3 times a day after each meal drink a plenty of water ... eat fibers and walk 30-60min a day

try weight watchers!! it really works and it s easy!! =)

eat less,move more