Thursday, February 16, 2006

Eat every couple of hours up to six times-- small, healthy meals per day--speeds up metabolism guaranteed loss -

Healthy weight loss can be achieved by exercising daily, eating healthy, six times a day spaced out, drinking plenty of water, skim milk and sleeping properly. Moderate intake of alcohol of none at all. Choose chicken and fish over pork and red meat. Eat lots of veggies.

yup. of course.

yup.if u consume too much at the sama time the energy is bundled up and a lot of it turns to glucose and fat. If on the contrary u take only whats necesary 4 the time being the energy is used up and u need to take meals 6-8 times a day.HOWEVER AVOID HIGH CALS PLZ.If u like this ,message me 4 more .I shall see 2 what I can answer.BYE!

these food we call ghorme sabzi can help you:buy Iranian food believe me they are so delicous and healthy

Hey, you put a statement in a question field. 2pts

thanks for the info,,,but did i just miss the question???

My answer is a question - Was that a question? Good advice tho :)

whATS the question? ::O

i agree. my doc said the exact same thing