Sunday, February 12, 2006

How much weight can someone realistically expect to lose in 5 months? 8 months? -

My best friend is kind of getting phyco about losing weight for an upcoming wedding she s a bridesmaid in 5 months from now (mid May) and for her own wedding in August. If she were to go to a 1,400 calorie diet a day, and exercise 4 days a week with cardio, with strength training a few days as well, what is a healthy weight loss target by May? By August? I don t want her to overdo it or do anything unhealthy, but she is not happy at her current weight and I want to be supportive.

Well I read in Bob Green s book The Best Life Diet that your body can only lose up to 3 pounds per week, and realistically probably 2. Losing weight is more than just a diet but a lifestyle change. She ll want to lose it slowly over a consistent timeframe so the weight stays off. Mid May is about 18 weeks away so she may be able to lose up to 40 lbs if she really needs to lose that much. By August, another 12 weeks, she may be up to 60-70. But check with a doctor for sure.

It s safe and healthy to lose about 1-2 pounds a week. So, May is about 16 weeks away, so I d say 20-22 pounds is reasonable. Of course, I don t know what she weighs now, so losing 20 pounds might be WAY too much. Sounds like she s doing it in a healthy way though, although 1400 calories may be a little low - 1600 would probably be good.

She shouldnt cut her calroies down that much, she is starving herself and depriving herself nutrients she will need to get the results she is looking for. She should shoot for an 1800 -2000 calorie diet depending on how big she is.Its important to work out and eat right and rest. If she works out alot, she will need to fuel those workouts with food. Depending on how big she is right now, she can expect to lose anywhere from 10 - 40 lbs of healthy weight, even more if she is obese.

Generally it is safe to lose 1 pound a week without stressing your body chemistry. You can lose more per week if you are being monitored by a doctor during the diet period.

go on a cycle ride on sundays