well, i am sixteen and i weight 120 pound. excise 2 hour a day from Monday to Friday. you can play basketball, walk around the park or do something that is fun. on Saturday and Sunday. run for 15 to 30 min. dont eat a lot of junk food.
Um...I say 105 weight is a little too much but if you want to lose weight in a healthy way then I suggest you watch fat intake and carbs intake..... eat salad with meat in it and talk to your doctor or parent about protein drinks if you are really really low on your protein level. and just continue to exercising 4-5 times a week but not all week because you need to give your body a little rest for a day or two. But don t cut out all carbs and fat intake because you still need a little bit to be healthy.
Go ask your doctor. You can also take brisk walks everyday for 30min.
your doctor would be the best source for this!!!