Wednesday, March 22, 2006

HELP!!! I want to lose more weight but my diet is no longer working effectively!!? -

I m between 5 7 and 5 8 female right now I weight 160lbs I have a large frame and I m 20. In late April I was 183lbs. I modified my diet by eating healthier and I ve lost the weight. The problem is that now its becoming very difficult to lose the extra 15 pounds that I need to reach my ideal weight. Before I was eating between 1000 to 1500 calories a day and all I drink is water and I rarely eat sweets. Up to now I haven t exercised I ve just been doing regular daily activities. Does anyone have any advice about what I should do to lose the extra weight. I m not looking for fad diets because I will gain the weight back. I want a healthy weight loss plan but one that works. ****please be as detailed as possible if you have a weight loss plan that works let me know....if not... any advice will do also!!Thanks for helping

You ve stopped losing weight because your body has adapted to your eating plan. Your body always strives to be in balance, meaning calories in equaling calories burned. Since you cut back your calories (and didn t exercise), your body has been putting metabolic processes in motion to lower your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) until it matches how many calories you are eating. So, at first you lost weight because you were taking in fewer calories than you burned. Now, you ve caused your metabolism to slow down, so you re burning fewer calories every day, thus the weight loss has stopped.Unfortunately, since you ve slowed down your metabolism, if you start to eat any more, all of the excess calories will be stored as fat.What you need to do is begin an exercise program, preferably one involving resistance training. This will help build muscle, which will increase your metabolism. You should couple this with cardio interval training to also boost metabolism.Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne is one of the best programs you could follow, and all of the exercises can be done at home. You can check it out here:��Hope that helps,Dave S.Owner, Perfect Fit Personal Training Studio

hii,check this site they offer a program so as to lose about 9 lbs. every 11 days, and it really works, i subscribed for this program for about 2 months ago ,and it s for real it helped me alot.Here is the link ,hope it helps.

You definitely need to exercise. Try this routine: Start your fitness plan with a good warm up. A warm up will increase your core body temperature and get you to break a sweat. After you are warmed up you can continue your cardio workout or you can begin your resistance fitness plan. Make sure you have a padded bench of some kind to use for the sitting and lying exercises.First, you will focus on the large muscle groups then progress to smaller ones. This fitness plan will involve a combination of exercises using dumbbells or your own body weight. Here is an example of a good fitness plan.SQUATS 3 sets/25 repsStart with legs wider than hip width, toes slightly turned out. Squat down until your upper legs are parallel to the floor. Keep you back as upright as possible with abdominals engaged.LUNGES 3sets/15 repsStart with a long stride keeping the front knee directly over the ankle when at the bottom of the lunge position. Make sure to pull up with the front leg without any push off of from the back foot. Perform the lunges in a walking manner.MODIFIED/FULL PUSH UPS 3sets/10-15 repsBegin with a version of the push up that is appropriate to your strength level. You want a diagonal line from shoulders to knees or shoulders to feet (depending on which form of push up you do). Only attempt the number of reps that you can complete with perfect form.DUMBELL PULLOVER 3 sets/10-15 repsLie on your back. Hold the dumbbell with your hands overlapped and facing the ceiling. Keep your arms straight and take the weight overhead and return it back over your chest.ONE ARM ROW 3 sets/10 repsStabilize your knee and one hand on the bench with the working arm hanging straight down. Pull the weight up in a rowing motion toward the side of the body.LATERAL RAISE 3 sets/10 repsWith weights in hands and arms at the sides, raise your arms out to the sides up to shoulder height and back down. Be careful not to shrug the shoulders.BICEP CURLS 3 sets/10 repsWith arms at sides palms facing up, flex elbow joint to bring weight up toward shoulders and return to full extension to complete each rep.TRICEP DIPS 3 sets/10 repsStart sitting on a bench perpendicular to it with hands on the edge of the bench.Straighten arms and bring hips just off the bench and bend the elbows to lower body down. Straighten your arms to bring body back to the start position. This can be done with bent knees to modify the movement.ABDOMINAL CRUNCHES 5 sets/20 repsThere are many variations of the crunch and you can change up the positions frequently. A basic version is lying on your with back legs bent, feet on the floor, and your arms reaching at your sides. Flex the spine to crunch up and keep your chin tucked in toward your chest with about a golf ball size space between chin and chest. Keep your eyes focused on the top of your thighs. Crunch up keeping the lower back in contact with the floor and always keep the abdominals engaged to protect the back and neck.This is a basic fitness plan that can be done in the gym or at home. You should start with light weights and slowly increase the resistance after you have completed the fitness plan several times without developing muscle soreness. In order to make it more challenging after several workouts you can either pick up the pace between exercises, add reps or increase the weight. Never make all three modifications in the same workout. This fitness plan can be done 3 to 4 times per week always leaving at least 48 hours for proper muscle recovery. By adding additional cardiovascular exercise you will be getting in a very well rounded workout.��

go to to the online community. Look for a board about plateau s. The ladies on there are great and can give you real world solutions that are healthy and work.

hey you sound very similar to me....I was 170 and lost the first 15 pounds by watching what I ate and then I started going to the gym to lose the last 15 pounds, I plateaued but again muscle weight more than fat...The best you can do it start working out, you might not see the scale move as fast as you like but you will feel the different in how your clothes fit and so on....keep doing what you are doing but start walking if you don t have access to a gym..

Cut out carbs that you really dont need. You dont need to eat bread with every meal, instead of a sandwhich try just the meat. I eat a lot of salads from subway with loads veggies.on it and tuna or meat. And then i try not to add the dressing, witht he tuna you dont need the dressing because its in mayo (light mayo, already). I cut carbs for 2 weeks and lost 4lbs. so you can do it! just make better choices.