Sunday, March 19, 2006

Weight gain with Splenda? -

I have been hearing rumors that splenda can actually cause a person to gain weight. Has anyone heard this, if so where can I find the medical report ? I gave up refined sugar 3 years ago and thought I was doing the right thing by using splenda as a way to help in weight loss program, but now this. Thank you

These articles may help:������One explanation is that your body anticipates something sweet and high-calorie, causing the brain to prepare the digestive system for that high-calorie food. When the body doesn t get the high-calorie food it s expecting, it compensates by making you eat more of other foods.Another explanation is plain old rationalization. I ll have a diet soda with my meal, so I can save calories and have that chocolate cake. Better to have water or tea with your meal and have half a piece of chocolate cake!Giving up refined sugar is supposed to be good for you. You re probably healthier for it. If using artificial sweeteners helps you lose weight, and if you don t have the headaches, muscle pain, body aches, and other symptoms that some people get from it, you shouldn t return to refined sugar.If you re losing weight by using Splenda, you shouldn t worry about it. If you re using Splenda and still struggling, you may want to consider stopping.

The way artificial sweeteners can cause a person to gain weight is by tricking your body into thinking that you re feeding it sugar, but you don t, so it starts to crave it and some people give in, thus causing weight gain.Personally, I don t think that splenda is the best idea because it s artificial. It s only calorie free because your body can t metabolize it. Does it do anything else to your body while your body tries to digest it? Artificial sweeteners don t really have a lot of research behind them.Giving up refined sugar, including white flour, is a great thing...just don t convince yourself to replace it with artificial ingredients.

Just like soda turns into carbonic acid. You really have to take things like this at face value. There is so much misinformation out there. I personally try to avoid artifical sweetners. It is like trading one evil for another. There are lots of things you can do to enhance flavor without using them and honestly once you really get off the sweet train you will be surprised how little you need sugar and or an artificial sweetner.Also you can by sugar that has not been as processed. That may be an alternative. It has a different texture but....

Yes it is true. Read this article:��Splenda is chemically altered sugar, so the body doesn t process it as sugar because it can t recognize it. It is very unhealthy.A good alternative to sweetners is stevia, it is an herb that is 200x sweeter than sugar but contains no sugars or sugar alcohols.

I ve heard of this, too. But I don t really agree. The only thing to be careful for is that each little packet has 4 calories, and that can add up fast!