Monday, August 14, 2006

Does anyone know how weight watchers figures out their POINTS system? Or any weight loss tips/tricks? -

I m 5 6 and 190 lbs. Just curious if anyone knows how many points i should be eating in a day. I try to stay around the realm 1500-2000 calories a day, but i don t get much exercise. If anyone has any weight loss tips that helped them I would love to hear it! I ve had two babies and the weight just doesn t wanna seem to come off. And has anyone heard of the weight loss drug Phydremine? Thanks for any suggestions!

Hi Ash! There are two links below that will help you out. The first one is an article that explains how to calculate your points and do weight watchers. The second link is a great reference site for people doing weight watchers that has points for dining out, recipes, articles and more. Good luck with your goals!

You can check your Body Mass Index, it s very important for dieters to check regularly on their BMI points. Here is a great tool you can use to check on your BMI also have some other Weight Loss Product Reviews in there

They figures them out because they are very experienced in those fields.