Friday, September 22, 2006

Has anyone heard of HCG SLIMXPRESS? -

So i picked up a flyer for this new Weight Loss program.. its called HCG Slimxpress.. it claims to help you loose up to 18 pounds per month.. I called the #.. they only have locations in WA and CA.. they said its some type of hormone shots that help reduce calorie intake.. the initial appt is $195 then it can range from $35.50 - $45.50 per week! Has anyone ever heard or used this? is it safe? is it worth the $$? let me know.. Thanks

I tried many different program to lose my weight, but nothing worked untill I found this amazing program. It works very well and I lost my weight fast after I found correct program. I lost 12 pounds in 30 days and it was so fast. If you are really serious and really want to lose weight you should have a look. You can get information at http://bit,ly/bgort2 Please change , to . in the link

I did many different method to lose my weight, but nothing worked untill I got this amazing method. It works amazing and I lost my weight fast after I got right method. I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks and it was so fast. If you are very serious and really want to lose weight you should check this out. You can get information from http://bit,ly/sgerw (Please edit , to . in the link)