Sunday, January 14, 2007

Need weight loss tips? -

I m 29 5ft 3 and I weigh 175. I have decreased my daily calorie intake to 1500 and i m working out at the gym 30 min at 3.5 on the treadmill every other day. I want to lose 50 lbs by October any other sugestions to help me reach my goal?

Drink LOTS of water and eat 5 small meals per day, it boosts the metabolism. I would also consider hitting the free weights at the gym. For every pound of lean muscle mass that you add to your frame you body burns an additional 50 calories per day at rest, so if you add 10 pounds of muscle you will burn an additional 500 calories per day!

don t eat anything white. Serious it is the gluten free diet and it works!

Add weight training 2 to 3 days a week. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you gain, the more calories you ll burn throughout the day.Don t worry about bulking up. Unless you re lifting heavy weights - can t do more than 10 reps without total muscle fatigue - you won t look like a body builder.

Hi..I followed these simple steps they worked for me:1- Eat brown bread instead of white bread.2- Replace dessert by fresh fruits.3- Don t drink water (or any other drink) during your meals, and after your meals for an hour and a half.4- Confine your meals to certain times. (i.e: breakfast at 7, lunch at 2, dinner at 8.. etc)And finally, you need planty of confidence strong will.Best of Luck.

have you ever try hoodia gordonii, its south afrian diet plant pill for loose weight from face, belly, thights, hips, and its also reduces appetite and decrease weight and also burn calories, fats. i saw the drama and advertise of hoodia on BBCand CNN. http://www.gordoniihoodia.netyes! u can do it i am too much sure bcoz ma mom is one of them who loose almot 80 pounds in 3 months, i know that a big time duration but finally she loose fats from belly, thights, hips and also her extra fats and calories has beeeen burn that makes her more sexy figured, she was using Hoodia Gordonii for 3 months

It s great that you re working out and watching what you eat.Remember to drink a lot of water...especially after working out. Also, try not to eat past 6pm.Try other machines besides the treadmill sometimes a little variety does the trick. Good Luck

Hi,its good that you excercise. If you really want to guarantee the weight loss make sure you vary your excercises and extend your time to 45mins-60mins every day.But the most vital thing is your diet. If you stick to this you wont go wrong coz it worked for me.Here goes and i hope this helps you:have 2 glasses of water in the morning before breakfasthave a good breakfast but make it light. tea without sugar or semi-skimmed milk followed by low fat cheese on brown toast.before breakfast and lunch have 1 glass of milk and 1 banana.for lunch have 100grams of very low fat chicken breast with 10 spoons of rice followed by low fat yoghurt and green salad.after lunch (3-4 hours after) have 2 fruits of your choice.for dinner, try to eat this before 8pm so you digest it fast.have something very light such as salad meal or cereal.the most essential thing is water in your diet because it fills your stomach up so you dont eat over excessively.

I suggest that you try body cleansing. I tried it and really got lean quickly. I lost 15 pounds in 9 days and also 3 inches off my waist. I do body sculpting so getting leaner was my goal. My sister did this program too and she lost a lot of weight quickly. I did not know too much about cleansing but there are a lot of TV commercials about this stuff. This is a body cleanse and not just a colon cleanse, I wanted my body to get lean quickly and this did the trick! You can get info at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or online at