Monday, February 12, 2007

Got any weight loss tips? -

this is kind of the wrong category but i thought maybe if a mom had lost weight succesfully she could help me. my youngest are 19 months and after they were born i lost all the weight i had gained...but since its nearly impossible to eat right while taking care of 3 kids i have gained it back and then some. so i know the just of gotta burn more calories/fat than you take in. but is there anything you did that was easy and helped you lose weight? im a mom of 3 so i dont really have time to pay super close attention to what i eat but i do want to lose weight. i have time to excersize when my husband is home in the morning and evening. what excersizes do you recomend for the belly? thats where most of my weight is along with hips and thighs. any tips would be appriciated. im looking to lose about 30 pounds and id like to do it in about 3 months.

Eat fruits with an empty stomack, wait at least 30 minutes to eat anything else. Spinning not only gives you beutifull legs, it also disolves fat from all your body. Try it out. It s fun.I am a mother of 2

The best and easiest system I ve come across is Weight Watchers. It uses a very simple points system--different points given to each food. BUT you have to attend weekly meetings and it s expensive. (You can do it online if you don t want to attend weekly weigh-ins but you have to sign up to direct debit. If you attend weekly classes it s cheaper if you arrange a direct debit but I always pay as I go as I have a limited budget and want to cancel payment he minute I hit my goal weight --which should be next week) However once you reach your goal weight membership becomes free. I d advise finding someone who belongs weight watchers or used to be a member, and get them to loan you their folder explaining the system. Then you can use the information without signing up to the classes. If you stick to it and don t waver from your daily amount of points allowed you WILL lose. I ve just lost 20 lbs in 10 weeks, but i kept track of everything I ate and if I went over my daily points allowance compensated the next day An average of 2lbs a week loss is what weight watchers gets you, but you will find it varies a little from week to week. It doesn t sound vey much but in 15 weeks you d reah your goal. Excercise helps but isn t essential. The aim is to recognise filling but low-calorie food and use these to stave off the hunger. You need to plan your meals in advance and not let anyone tempt you into eating pizzas etc. Or if you don t want to do WW just make sure you move more and eat less (Swimming gets the pounds off if you put in 2-3 hours a week)