Monday, February 26, 2007

Typical question, but I NEED HELP! - Weight Loss Tips Anyone? -

Hey you guys. Okay, so I know that only 3-10% of new years resolutions are actually carried out, BUT I M DOING IT!I ve been trying to lose weight for awhile, but no luck.Ideas?Pleeeeeeease don t just say diet and exercise Specifics please.What exercise are fun?I loooove cooking, but don t have that much time. What are some good HEALTHY recipes that I can make quickly and stick in my fridge for the rest of the week?What can I do when I m doing my homework and I want to reward myself. Right now I turn to food, and I know that s wrong. Other suggestions?Sometime when I m bored or procrastinating I eat. What can I do instead? What is the NUMBER ONE tip that you would give me?Thanks so much!!!!!

Hello! Congratulations on taking the first step forwards anyways! I just recently have lost a total of 63 pounds, and I was the same as you, munching on foods when I was bored. I think that the key thing for me was to change my eating habits and the foods that were in my fridge. I cut pops out COMPLETELY, which were loaded with empty calories. I replaced junk foods with veggies and fruits. I won t kid you, it was really hard to do, but within a week, I noticed a change in my energy levels. Also, take a multivitamin!!! I also was calorie counting, just trying to monitor how much I was eating. As for exercise, I was taking my dog for two 2 km walks a day at first, then gradually increased this. Then I started a running podcast called the Couchto5K running program, which starts you out slow and works it s way up to 5 km of running over 8 weeks. It was fun because you have someone cheering you on while you run to music. Then I started going to the gym to tone up as well. I also have aerobic videos to do when I have those days that I can t get to the gym.As for recipes that are quick and easy....try using a slow cooker for those days. Or when you make something, make a HUGE batch of it, then freeze the rest for later use. I hope that this helps you out! Everyone is different and does things a different way! Congratulations again on taking this first step!

To the asker of the question, Lila, I have no way of reaching you through e-mail.....if you leave an e-mail address, I will definitely e-mail you some great healthy slow cooker recipes! Report Abuse

If your trying to lose weight it is all about how many calories you consume. If u want to lose 1 pound you need to cut 3500 calories(500 a day for 1 week). Here are a few tips.1. eat lean protein with every meal(chicken, fish, eggs, fat free dairy, turkey...ect.2. Eat plenty of vegetables(anything but potatoes, carrots and corn)3. eat low GI foods. You want to avoid processed foods and sugar at all cost, this is most important. Surgery foods such a cereal, candy, white bread, white rice. (go to a GI web site to see what foods will keep your blood sugar low. when blood sugar gets to high, your body stores fat.4. Try to exercise a couple times a week. (weights cardio) The more muscle u have, the more calories you will burn.5. Avoid trans and saturated fat (fried foods, dairy...ect.6.Try to eat smaller meals throughout the day(every 3 hours) Keeps your blood sugar stable and keeps your metabolism working throughout the day. 7. DONT STARVE YOURSELF....your body will got into storing mode if you do no eat enough food. Your metablolism will slow down and sabotage a fat loss plan.

First off, congratulations. I hope you truley do carry out your resolution.Anyhow, for starters, I always reward myself for doing homework by getting an A. When I get A s it makes me feel really proud of myself and it makes all the stupid, hard work I do almost worth while :]Recipes, I don t know any really. My favorite thing to do though is to make a low fat smoothie. Mix real fruit (your choice) and low fat yogurt into a blender with ice and viola! Deelish! They usually hold me over for a while.The bored thing..I think almost every teenager does it! I know I do. I stopped myself by instead of eating, I found a beverage I really liked and so now whenever I get hungry, I go and make a tall glass of my Roberts chocolate milk! It s very filling. The number one tip I would have to say is STOP SNACKING. You may not think those little innocent snacks every hour or so do much but they add up. Stay away from all the junk food for sure.Good luck and hope I helped! :]

In order to lose weight. You need more than 1 important tip. But basically. Try to get like a calorie watch. Or something that measures the calories burned. Then, measure your calorie intake. Then make sure your exercise is 500 more calories than your calorie intake. That way. You lost 500 calories today plus extra calories.( Extra Calories: Weight x 100 = Calories burned each day without doing anything. example: Weight. 150. Calories burned for doing nothing. 1,500) Make sure you lose more than 500 calories each day subtracting the calorie intake. That way you ll see results in 1 month. ^^. And when cooking. Trying dancing at the same time,.

Well, you can start with checking what is in your fridge. If you see any 2 of the five ingredients on the label, THROW them out. 1) Hydrogenated oil or Partially Hydrogenated Oil2) Sugar3) High Fructose Corn Syrup4) Enriched Flour5) Bleached FlourThese 5 normal everyday ingredients the the most UNHEALTHIEST thing on your everyday processed foods. If you can avoid them outright, you will live long and lost a lot of weight.To cut down on fat, eat high-protein and high-fiber. Lower your intake on Carbohydrates (which includes processed grains like white rice and white bread, go for whole grains).Take 6 meals a day (yes, 6) 3 major meals and 3 light snacks of fruits and vegetables. Won t this make you fat? No. Provided you eat within the limits you will boost metabolism and paired with exercise build muscles faster. This quick build of lean muscle will speed up your metabolism so you consume more calories maintaining the muscles.Ideally take a meal then in-between take something light and high in fiber such as fruits, nuts, yogurt etc. Avoid processed foods. The food will help maintain those lean muscles so you don t lose them.If you follow the meal pattern, you will be starving every morning which means your metabolism is working. As for exercise, i do recommend the best and easiest is swimming. You swim 30 minutes per day for 5 days and record the most number of laps you can do. Every week add one more lap in the same 30 minutes.Have a stair at home? Climb stairs a few laps for 10 minutes every morning and every evening. Add another lap every week.Going shopping? Use the stairs. Avoid using escalators and elevators.You don t have to change your whole life, just make some improvements and you ll be surprised at the results. ^_^