Monday, February 26, 2007

Typical Weight Loss! Tips? -

I m looking to lose 15 lbs, so I can get back to a healthy BMI. Any tips? Please, I don t know how to diet or what foods are totaly bad and whats good ectect, I eat A LOT of peanut butter, is that good or bad for a diet?And what about Milk and Bread? I hear to stay away from those but they dont seem too bad, tips!?

you shoudnt have more than 1 tsp of peanut butter for breakfast only!you can have about 2 or 3 glasses of lowfat milk for bread,the serving portion for weight loss is only 1 slice...1. dont bank on the words fast , easy , simple quick stay safe,you shoudnt lose beyond 4 pounds of fat per week2. start brisk walking 40-60mins a day...get a dog or 2 if you find your walking routine boring..or if you are at a gym,experiment all forms of cardio available and stick to all that you like3. drink only water,100% natural/fresh fruit/veggie juices,lowfat milk and lots of green tea4. severely limit carbs n fat but eat lean proteins and veggies very well..make sure you eat a good breakfast!foods generally that aid fat loss- fruits,oatmeal,milk,raw nuts,fish,beans,veggies, small chunks of dark chocolate and herbal teas.5. do lots of pilates/yoga/strength training to get the best from your cardio6. be smart when eating out or at events/functions(such as preparing your own meal eating in advance)7. dont trust myths like no food after 7pm have to stay nourished to lose fat,..the best you can do if you are scared to eat is perhaps drink a glass of ice chocolate lowfat milk mixed with a tsp of instant softened oatmeal... 8. Always push yourself n never give up!but get enough rest too...Stay focused on your goal and God bless you...

You can eat anything you want as long as you dont eat loads of it, so dont banish peanut butter from your life as I know I couldnt live without it!Bread is always said to be bad but again as long as you dont eat excessive amounts!Just cut down on foods that are fatty, if you try and eat foods that are low in fat as i found that was what helped me lose weight. Also swimming is great for losing weight and for toning your body.Eat 5 fruit and veg a day, I foung that eating a big bowl of fruit like strawberries, raspberrys and peaches with low fat yoghurt filled me up until lunch so I was less likely to snack, and I had eaten 3 portions of fruit!Im sure you will lose the weight in no time!Good Luck

Learn to monitor your calories. Weight loss is all about energy, if you eat less calories than you burn then you lose weight. All foods can be incorporated into a healthy diet as long as they are eaten in moderation. Eating A LOT of any food is bad. Peanut butter is pretty high calorie (about 200 cal in 2 Tablespoons) so if you are not careful then the calories can really add up.

Eat yogurt(diet) before the meals.Then you can eat apple, rye bread, grilled chicken, salad with very little Olive can have purslane and spinach.Cabbage soup will also help to loose weight.Also many vegetables like tomato, carrot,cucumber.And drink green tea before sleeping and before the breakfast.Prefer toasted bread.You can eat light cheese, too.