Saturday, March 24, 2007

Any one have some fast weight loss tips? -

keep it healthy, very many light meals all day, like fruits and veggies, no carbs (pasta,bread), and lots of protein like chicken and fish, and drink lots of water to flush out all the toxins!

NO.ha ha ha u r overweight.I ain t........ha ha

I have this great weight loss plan I will sell it to you for 1 grand this should help lighten your pocket.

Moonstone had a wonderful answer, but don t forget to exercise too. walking 1 hour a day really does help. Good Luck

i was always very tired , an this caused over weight do to being tired i tried everything thill i met htis 90 years old lady she said eat all the ceral i wanted drink lots of water azand take 2 aspirin a day , i lost 50 lbs in one month , what it did the first day it gave me energy the second day it cleaned me out , and i loved how i had energy the doctors can;t believi am 52 they all guess me at 36

no such thing as fast weight loss.. well not if you want to keep it off. I exercise daily.. walking and taebo.. don t much diet just try to lose most of the sugars.