Saturday, March 17, 2007

I want to lose 5-15lbs for summer, any tips? -

I want to lose some weight for summer, between 5-15 lbs. Any weight loss tips?

I started walking 30 minutes every morning, I lost 5 pounds the first week.Now I am up to an hour.If you can t leave your house because of kids or other reasons. I bought the Denis Austin walk off the pounds video. I did it in the winter when I couldn t get outside.She also has a show on Lifetime every morning which is low impact and works if you stick with it. I don t like to exercise so I like the workouts where I can keep up and I don t feel totally exhausted at the end.If you drink soda, quit. You would be surprised what it does for you.Good Luck!!

Eat less carbs and sugar. Eat a lot more fiber.Eat less for dinner, but more for breakfast.Move a hell of a lot more. Done and done.

Drink water, and plenty of it. Eat a healthy breakfast.

Eat less, move more, drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies... and you will lose weight if you have the patience to see it through. No fad diet or magic pill will do it for you.And if you want to check out a method from the lady who ran The Biggest Loser on NBC, you might want to see if this method might help.

Weight Watchers for sure! Especially the Core program. I dropped 25 lbs in a very short period of time and have not gained it back in over a month!!I really recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight the healthy way.